Want him part-3

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A/N:I'll try to complete this...

"You could've told the reason why you're staying here rather than staying in room"Jungkook said still looking at Jimin's finger.

"She already have a reason to tease us today!the whole day!if i tell her the reason then the whole day we have to blush"Jimin replied.

"Are you scared of her?"Jungkook asked and when Jimin is about to answer Jungkook cut off him.

"Uhhh!!!wait!don't answer I'll go bring the first aid kit...Wanna come?"Jungkook asked.

"First aid kid is in this cupboard only"Jimin said pointing the nearest cupboard towards them.

He can see Jungkook groaning because now he can't carry him.

"Aish!You can carry me to our room okay?don't groan now"Jimin said cupping Jungkook's face.

Then Jungkook treated his wound it's just small wound but he's acting like it'll leave a scar if he treat it fast.

"It's just small wound hyung!You're acting like it'll leave a scar"Jimin complained.

"Whatever it is!i don't want to hurt you!"Jungkook said still treating his wound.

"Done"Jungkook said finally after treating his wound.

"Now answer me"Jungkook said.

"I am not scared of her!It's just when she's teasing i don't have a place to hide my face!"Jimin said.

"Is that so?Okay!okay!next time you can hide behind me"Jungkook said mockingly.

"Don't mock me in the early morning!"Jimin groaned

"Don't worry she have college today so she won't be here to tease us"Jungkook comforted the boy who is smiling widely now.

After cooking now it's time to eat.They both ate even though Jungkook said it's for Jimin and not for him.

Jimin has his own plans bruh!He blackmailed him like if you aren't eating i am not either and that's how they both ate their early breakfast.

"Jimin!you have to eat it!"Jungkook said.

"Hyung no"Jimin replied.

"Jimin it's just a tablet"Jungkook said.

"I never take those things!I hate tablets"Jimin replied.

"Okay"Jungkook said and turned his face acting like he is angry.

"Hyung"Jimin called Jungkook didn't turn he won't give up that easily.

"Hyung!Turn!"Jimin pleaded.

"Not until you take your tablet and i am telling you Jimin I'm hella tired and I'm so sleepy rn like if you give me pillow i won't mind sleeping her-"Jungkook was cut off by Jimin.

"Fine fine i will take!Revenge huh?you're blackmailing like i did?"Jimin said.

This sentence literally made Jungkook to laugh but he controlled himself not to.

"I swallowed the tablet happy?"Jimin said turning Jungkook.

Jungkook made sure he swallowed.

"Say ahhh"Jungkook said Jimin just followed.

Jungkook isn't there to check whether he swallowed the tablet.He actually wanna kiss Jimin so bad that's why.

And then their lips crashed!Jimin eyes widened but returned the kiss!and then they pulled for air.

"Very much!Now let's go!"Jungkook said carrying Jimin in bridal style.

Jimin is liking this so much!

In their room

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