10: conflicted feelings

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A/N: Hi everyone, welcome back (or a simple welcome if you're new here)! After nearly two years, I have returned. First, let me apologize: I am so sorry that it took so long for an update. Believe me when I say that this wasn't a part of my plan. In July 2020, everything just kind of snowballed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So much happened in my personal and academic life, so I just had to take a rather abrupt leave of absence from writing. It was very hard, but it was also the best course of action for me. And, of course, when I wanted to publish this chapter earlier in May, I had a few setbacks. That is life, but here I am!

However, I have good news: I graduated from my undergraduate program! So now I'm focusing on writing as I work part time, yet look for a new job as I have another exciting announcement: I'm going to graduate school starting fall 2021! I'm very excited for that and while that may slow down updates again, I will make sure to try to write, or do some part of the process, while I am a full time graduate student. I'm sure it'll be challenging, but I'm going to try to pull through. I'll keep you guys updated with announcements in regards to that.

Wow, I'm super nervous to publish this chapter, but I like how I have it. I believe from this point onward, we're really going to dive into Madison's adventures in 1946. Not that we haven't already, but I think Madison's mindset and actions will be more...dynamic, and not stuck in a cycle of PTSD. (Although, it will concur with the plot. One cannot be magically healed in an instant!) Nonetheless, I'm really excited for some of the major plot points in this story...it's just the getting to it that's being a bit painful right now. But that's okay, I like writing the "mundane" parts of life. Honestly, it's what Madison deserves after going through a lot!

Without further ado, here's chapter 10. Happy reading.

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"I can't believe he did that! The nerve of him!"

Madison huffed as she stared at a batch of flowers with Jane by her side. Madison was currently at Jane's place of work (her family's flower shop) to pick up flowers. Madison wanted to change the scenery in her bedroom, and she thought flowers would help. When she entered the shop, however, she saw that Jane was working. The shop wasn't busy, so Madison and Jane started to talk.

Madison liked Jane. She was a really nice woman and defensive of her friends (Emilia included). Madison knew that based on Jane's musings as they worked together at the charity drive that Mrs. Sledge ran at the church. The displeased look Jane shot Sledge after finding Madison crying was another indicator of Jane caring for her friends as well.

"I'm fine with Sledge now," Madison insisted to her friend at one point in their conversation. "I don't think that he's a bad person—he just caught me off guard."

Not to mention that Sledge just seemed moody and acted exactly like a seasoned veteran coming home from the battle.

Madison frowned at that thought. She wondered if she had judged him too harshly over the past few weeks. She was sure she acted like Sledge, perhaps even brattier than him. She had been home since November, while Sledge had been home since February—a far shorter duration compared to Madison. Madison knew she was still adjusting to civilian life, but she had been home far longer than Sledge. Could she really fault him for being so moody?

Madison internally sighed. Even though they're on okay terms, maybe it wasn't fair to lose her patience with the ex-Marine so quickly.


"Hm?" Madison hummed, making eye contact with Jane, who was leaning against the counter. "Yeah, the clouds are nice. I like to watch them, sometimes."

Jane laughed.

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