2: a new year

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UPDATED: 05/22/2022. No major changes. By the way, sorry if comments get knocked off/removed from where you comment in the chapter. Wattpad can be mean like that when you re-upload a chapter.

A/N: Hope everyone is having a good week!

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Sooner rather than later, Madison found herself saying goodbye to her parents and siblings. Time flies when you enjoy it with your loved ones.

It was Friday, January fourth. It was almost nine in the morning. Madison hugged each and every member of her family tight, promising that she would try her very best to be good for her aunt and uncle. She promised that she would try to get better and when she was well enough, she would return home.

Madison found that saying goodbye to Morgan was harder than saying goodbye to her parents or Mikey. The older sister couldn't help but feel irritated. She was finally reunited with her twin and now they're being torn apart. Again.

"This blows," Madison groaned.

"I know, but this will be good. Not only for you, but for me too," Morgan said. "We'll stay in touch, right?"

"I wouldn't dream of not being able to talk to you. I already lived through that nightmare once," Madison reminisced for a brief second. It was hard not being able to talk to the one person that you grew up with since the womb, and it was even harder when mail went slow when she was in Europe. She was pleased to know that it wouldn't be like that anymore. They were both in the states, and the mail service would be faster now. They could talk on the phone if they wanted to, and no time zone could rip that away from them.

"I did too. Everyone did. I was such a chatterbox." Morgan's cheeks flushed as she said that. Madison thought it was adorable. She smiled.

"You're the one chatterbox that I trust and love," Madison told her sister. She had already hugged Morgan once, but she pulled her sister in for another one. They held each other for what felt like an eternity before Madison confessed something.

"I don't want to be here," she whispered, low enough for only Morgan to hear.

"I know, but you'll be fine," Morgan assured her. "You're my sister. You're strong. You've handled worse."

"Connecting to people is the worst, though," Madison complained. Morgan smiled and pushed her sister away.

"You're good with people, so I don't want to hear that," Morgan chastised. "You can do it. I know you can."

Hearing Morgan say that made Madison believe that she could, in fact, do it. She held half of a grin on her face; the left corner of her mouth twitching.

"Thanks, Morgan."

As Madison and Morgan had their conversation, Matthew and Jack were having their own.

"You promise she'll be safe down here?" Matthew asked for what felt like the thousandth time. Even though it annoyed Jack, he understood why his baby brother was like this. He has always been like this, you can ask their sister.

"I promise. Maddie will be looked after. She'll be safe here. Sarah has thought about introducing her to some of our friends. Their children are close to her age, although older—" Jack saw the brief worry flash in his brother's eyes. "—but not by much! They are good kids, Matt."

"If you say so," Matthew sighed. "I just—"

"—worry for her. Ja, ja, I know."

Matthew narrowed his eyes on his brother. He didn't like the tone of his voice. It was very dry, very dismissive. His brother and daughter would get along great.

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