4: first meeting

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UPDATED: 05/22/2022. Minor revisions.

A/N: I know I mentioned it in the first book, but when dialogue is italicized, it is indicated that characters are speaking German unless otherwise stated. I have kept simple words like ja and nein the same, as well as oma and opa. On a side note, I think it's so cute how Maddie/the Klein family will speak in German with each other <3.

Oh, according to Google Docs, by the end of this chapter you are approximately 60 pages in this story. Wow!

One more thing: I was listening to Bastille's "These Streets" as I was uploading this. I thought that was perfect, because I associate that song (among many others) with Maddie <3. Anyway: onward!

* * * * * *

February 1946

Eugene Sledge took one long step and he was off the train, back on the grounds of Mobile, Alabama. He hasn't even been in the city for five seconds, but he was relieved to finally be home.

Sledge glanced around as he walked, not particularly sure where he was heading towards. He took a deep breath, taking in the scene. He saw men in uniform being greeted by their loved ones. He saw people getting on the train he had just stepped out of.

He looked to the left and his grin widened even more, if possible. It was his best friend, Sidney Phillips. He was dressed sharply and leaning against his car, waiting for Sledge.

Sledge's bright grin did not disappear as he threw his sack at his friend, and as Sidney drove Sledge home. It was hard to maintain it as he began to smoke from his pipe. Sledge knew that his mother may have a field day with him smoking, but he found that he did not care. Not since the islands.

"What's with the MacArthur bit?" Sidney asked.

"Huh?" Sledge emitted as a puff of smoke escaped his mouth. He turned to look at Sidney for more clarification.

"The Mammy Yokum. Popeye the Sailor." Sidney imitated the latter character before chuckling at his own joke. Sledge looked down, putting his pipe down too.

"It calms me down," Sledge explained in a low tone. "Packing it, cleaning it—I always have something to do."

It was quiet between the two men as Sledge placed the pipe back in his mouth. Sidney felt like he was jumping around in his seat, wanting to say something. Finally, he did.

"What do you remember about Mary Houston?"

Sledge thought about it, wondering if he heard his friend right.

"Mary Houston?" he asked.

"Yeah," Sidney nodded.

"The Mary Houston?"

"The one and only."

Sledge kept his eyes forward, answering Sidney. "Well, like everyone else in Mobile, I was in love with Mary Houston."

With a complete poker face, Sidney said, "That's too bad for you. She's marrying me."

Sledge nodded, not believing him. With all respect, why would she want to marry Sidney?

"Yeah, sure she will. The minute she goes blind."

"Well, I asked her. She said yes, so you're just gonna have to deal with it brother," Sidney informed Sledge, staring straight at him, occasionally glancing back at the road.

Sledge looked right at Sidney in return, straight in the eye. He took his pipe out of his mouth.

"You're saying that Mary Houston is gonna be Mary Houston Phillips?" Sledge asked in disbelief. This is when Sidney finally began to chuckle. He could no longer keep his face straight.

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