13: a solution

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A/N: What is this? I'm publishing a chapter during the semester? I sure am! It was supposed to be out a few weeks ago, but I was being picky and then I had some things to do. That doesn't include watching One Piece and One Piece Live Action...but I am back in my One Piece era! The same can be said with Jujutsu Kaisen. (This series is killing me as both a manga reader and anime watcher. It's good though LOL.) What are you guys currently watching or reading?

Feel free to answer that or not. I know why you're really here. ;) So please, enjoy the chapter.

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Malarkey called Madison in early May, confirming that he could go to Tonawanda after the college semester was over. This meant that Madison and Malarkey would reunite in mid-June.

Madison was elated when Malarkey gave her the date that would work best. Since she didn't have Faye Tanner's telephone number, she made sure to write a quick letter to the woman that would visit.

Dear Faye,

I'm sorry to say that it's been awhile since I last wrote to you. As you can imagine, life has been busy! I'm working in Mobile and plan to enjoy my summer here. However, I have exciting news for you: Don called me today and confirmed that he can go to Tonawanda after he's finished with finals. (Yuck!) We plan on coming around the week of June 16. Is that alright with you? Let me know as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

Madison E. Klein

Madison also made sure to write to the Penkala family, informing them that she would visit them near the end of June. She saved Bill for last, calling him and letting him know she'll be in South Philadelphia in early June. They ended up talking on the phone for four hours, but it was worth the high cost of the phone bill.

Everyone around Madison could tell that she was happier than she had previously been. She was more chatty with Father Maloney and her friends, and far more friendlier with the youngest Sledge boy, who had yet to prove to her that the woods near his home were safe. Not that Madison was complaining; she'd rather have tea with her aunt, his mother, and sister-in-law as the older ladies conversed about their lives. Madison fully believed that there were ghosts in the woods.

The Klein household was livelier too, perhaps because the weather was getting warmer by the day; Madison was thankful that the Gulf's breeze combated the heat. Furthermore, Amara was getting ready to move to attend Alabama State University for her summer courses and, if all went well, she would continue in the fall. Madison had only found out that Amara was attending university full time prior to the war, but went part time for the war effort and eventually took a leave of absence when her mother had passed away the previous year.

"I had meant to start back up in the spring, but I didn't feel ready," Amara had explained from the back porch. "I needed more time."

"I understand. Why do you think I haven't done anything with my life since I've been home?" Madison pointed out as she pinned laundry on the clothesline to dry. Amara watched as the young girl got on her tiptoes so she could reach the wire.

"Oh, that's not true, Maddie," Amara brushed off her friend's self-deprecation. "You've done a lot! You moved, you're working, and you're making friends. You're visiting friends. That's exciting!"

It's true. Despite Madison's ongoing troubles, she was making improvements. While she felt like she was dumped on her southern relatives, the young woman has found that she enjoyed the warm weather and the people she has met. She's been working while applying to colleges. She's befriended people and had become more friendly with the Sledge boy after an initial hot-and-cold meeting. However....

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