11: planted seeds

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A/N: Hello, everyone, I hope you're doing well! I apologize that I couldn't get this chapter out sooner. I had planned for it to be published in June, but I had ran into some personal issues in my life, mostly regarding my health, my grandmother, and new job. Let's just say that things were chaotic, but everything started to level out! Also, while I was out of commission, I watched the Korean drama Twenty Five Twenty One and it is so good. It's now one of my favorite shows of all time. Also, the main couple's dynamic reminds me of Madison and Sledge so much and that was a lovely bonus. If you like K-dramas and this fanfiction, I recommend watching 25-21.

Also, while I'm not happy that I had to delay the release of this chapter, I think it worked out great as it gave me time to edit/revise to my liking. (It also allows me time to curate new writing styles, too!) While I want to give you guys as many updates as I can, I don't want to sound rushed.

I'll have more A/N at the end, but without further ado, here's chapter 11. Please enjoy.

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"I thought you were staying for one more week?" Madison asked, laying on Luz's bed as she watched him pack his belongings.

"I was, but something came up back home and I need to go," Luz explained.

"Really?" Madison arched an eyebrow at her friend's answer. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, Easter Sunday is coming up and I want to be home as soon as possible."

"Shit! Is next week Easter?" Madison jolted up from her spot. Truth be told, she's been so busy that she forgot about Easter weekend entirely. Hell, when was the last time she celebrated the holiday? 1941?

"I know, I was surprised too," Luz said. "I mean, when was the last time we celebrated?"

"Certainly not together," Madison pointed out. "I didn't even think about holidays or my own birthday when we were in service, especially once we were deployed."

"Yeah, no kidding," Luz paused as if he was going to add on, but he seemingly decided against it. "Sorry for cutting time short."

"No, no, it's okay," Madison waved off her friend's concern. "I think family's important, although I'm sure your mama would like one less mouth to feed."

Luz cackled. "Yeah, but I help out a lot with cooking and I fix the appliances, so she needs me more than anything."

"A man of many talents," Madison nodded. "And you still can't find work?"

"Ha ha, you're so funny," Luz deadpanned as he buckled his suitcase together. "Okay, I got everything packed, save for a few things."

"What time does your train leave tomorrow?" Madison asked.

"10:45 AM."

"Meaning we'll get there by at least 8:30 AM," Madison said before groaning and flopping down on the mattress. "That means I'm going to miss this week's Sunday service."

"It's okay to not go sometimes," Luz pointed out.

"I know, but it's been instilled. Mama always made us go to Sunday services at the least. She'd kick my ass if she knew I skipped," Madison thought out loud, staring at the ceiling.

"Hold on, move it, squirt," Luz stopped her, forcing her to move from the center of the bed and closer to the edge. He laid down next to her, also staring at the ceiling. "Okay, continue."

"Thanks," Madison replied sarcastically. "What was I saying..."

"You're repenting," Luz reminded her.

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