7: a rough patch

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UPDATED 05/22/2022. Besides a few sentences and grammar corrections, there are only minor edits.

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Madison returned home at around 3 o'clock in the morning. The teenager quietly snuck in the house, closing the door quietly behind her. She didn't want to wake up anybody, because it would A) be rude and B) she would probably get to even more trouble.

Madison could feel just how exhausted she was, as she slowly and quietly kicked off her shoes and placed the spare house key on the side table. She almost flinched when she caught her reflection in the mirror. She had to hold in her laughter soon after. God, she needed to go to bed.

Madison took soft steps as she made her way towards the staircase but heard someone clear their throat rather loudly. Madison tensed, her face scrunching.


"Fuck," Madison mouthed silently, before turning around and smiling at her aunt, who was in her pajama wear.

"Where in the hell have you been, Madison Elizabeth?" Sarah had practically seethed. Her tone was quiet, but Madison knew that her aunt wasn't pleased.

"Listen, I can explain..." Madison began, but Sarah cut her off.

"I don't want to hear it!" Sarah cut her off. There was a pause. "Wait, yes I do! Where were you, Maddie? Do you know how scared we all were when you ran off? We had no idea what happened! And then the Sledge boy went after you, and he's not home either! What were you thinking?!"

"I was pissed off!" Madison snapped, losing her patience. She took a breath, trying to keep calm. "I was angry and hurt. Do you know what that slime ball tried to fucking do? Well let me tell you: everyone would be calling me a sharecropping gash if he got what he wanted!"

Sarah gasped at her niece's foul words. "Madison Elizabeth—"

"No, Aunt Sarah! Please, shut up and listen to me before you start making harsh judgments?" Madison could feel the tears welling up, she refused to let them fall.

"The Waynes are mean people, Aunt Sarah. Draft Dodger Jr. tried to lay one on me, and I didn't like it one bit! So, I retaliated, because I will not put up with that shit. Then, I decided to storm out when, for some reason, everyone needed to see what I was doing when it was pretty damn clear, if you asked me," Madison paused, trying to keep her breathing even. "I remember Uncle Jack and Jacob coming to my aid when Mr. Wayne was being...well, very mean so I ran off. Not really sure where I went, but I ran into a friend, we talked, and then..."

Madison trailed off, thinking about the events. Her aunt had to get her out of her trance.

"Maddie?" Sarah asked in a quiet manner.

"That Sledge boy found me. He noticed that my knee was pretty banged up," Madison bent down a bit, lightly patting the knee that took damage. "So, he took me to some diner, I was able to get myself situated and before you ask, he did try to help but I shot him down." Madison paused. "Then we ate, and we talked for a little bit. I'm really sorry, Aunt Sarah, I didn't realize I was out so late. Really."

Sarah noted how Madison had sobered up, but her mood had dropped. Sighing to herself, Sarah had gone over to where her niece stood and wrapped her in her arms. Madison didn't return the gesture.

"It's okay, Maddie. I was just so worried, is all. It's late and you're just a little girl, anything could happen to you."

Madison pushed her aunt away, just enough to look at her. "Aunt Sarah, I'm more than just a little girl. If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of a grown woman and...well, I'm not exactly traditional."

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