6: a bond

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UPDATE: 05/22/2022. Minor revisions.

A/N: The original author's note...this was around the time my life started to dwindle, lol. While writing this chapter, I had gotten the flu and then a couple weeks later: all of my wisdom teeth were removed. Good times.

Minor warning: unwanted advances (nothing graphic or detailed)

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Madison decided to go ahead and try the group therapy session like Dr. Wayne had suggested. Her aunt and uncle thought it was a good idea, too. That gave Madison the reassurance she needed.

It was Wednesday evening when Mr. Jamison had dropped her off at the local Catholic church. She had dropped by here once or twice before for confession, but otherwise this was a very new place for her.

The church was grand and beautiful, but not as grand and beautiful like the church she attended back home. Still, she liked it and felt comfortable in the church, albeit very nervous. This would truly be the first time she would be trying out something like this, and it was scary. But she had to do it.

Madison walked into the church, heading straight to the location that she had to go. She was early, but she wasn't the first one to be there. She had already spotted a few people, including the chaplain. Needless to say, she was shocked to see who it was.

"Father Maloney?"

The chaplain looked up from what he was doing. He looked just as surprised as Madison did.

"Madison Klein? It's wonderful to see you again, my dear!"

"You too, Father Maloney," Madison breathed out as she reached out to hug him. He complied, hugging her back. Soon, Madison pulled away and stared up at him, squinting as she did not have her glasses on. "I didn't realize you were down here! I would have reached out to you, sooner."

"It's alright. I didn't realize you were down here as well. How long have you been here?"

"I'm rooming with my aunt and uncle for a while. My folks thought it would do good for me to live somewhere else; a change of scenery, I suppose. Are you leading this....group session?"

Father Maloney nodded in confirmation. "Indeed I am. Even before we came back to the states, I knew how awful returning veterans were to be. So, I have offered counsel and guidance."

Madison could feel a small smile forming. "That's really sweet, Father Maloney."

"Thank you, dear. Now go, sit! Talk to some of the others here already. We're starting in fifteen minutes."

* * * * *

Madison found herself sitting with a group of about ten veterans. It was a very diverse range of people. Madison found herself sitting in between a man of Japanese descent, and Emilia, the woman she had met not too long ago when they were registering for classes.

"I welcome you all here, today, and thank you for joining," Father Maloney started. "We have a new face here today, and I would like for you to make her all feel welcomed. Miss Klein, please identify yourself.

Madison offered a small, shy wave of greeting. Some reciprocated or murmured their own greetings.

"Let's go around and introduce ourselves, and then we'll let Miss Klein introduce herself," Father Maloney suggested. "Fair enough? Mr. White, why don't you start?"

"I'm Chester White and a former Tuskegee Airman," Mr. White, or Chester, introduced himself. "I'm married with a young son, and I recently found out that I'll have a second child."

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