Early Arousal (4 year come back) 💜💙⚪️🟠

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Hey guys! It's been 4 years since I started this, I was just a baby! Now I'm 21 with a family! I will warn, I'm not as creative as I used to be and definitely not as s*x driven so this might not be "up-to-par" anymore for some of you, but I have started to read more yaoi to get some good ideas, but a lot of the ideas come out more perverted then I'd like, so I guess we will see where this takes us. Warning this story may be cringy or uncomfortable for some readers. You've been warned (Levi going solo)

Around 2:30 am, Levi tosses and turns, stirring himself awake.

He sits up from the bed and looks around the room, over at Historia, to the door, to the floor, and back to the bed.

He crossed his legs and noticed a strange, yet familiar sensation.

His eyes widened as he looked down at the blanket, whispering to himself.

Levi: a-am I?....

Levi blushed and sighed.

Levi: what do I do?...

He stared down at the blanket for a moment, then decided he'd poke the protrusion that's tenting the blanket.


Levi: ngh!~

He covered his mouth and sighed.

He removed the blanket and placed his palm down on his member which was still covered by his bottoms.

He whimpered and slowly got up, making his way to the downstairs bathroom.

He got to the bathroom and quietly locked the door.

He stood in front of the toilet and pulled his pants down, beginning to slowly stroke his length.

Levi: n~gh-...uh...d-~...

He moaned quietly, anxiously beginning to quicken his pace.

He moved up his chest, starting to play with his nipples while he continued to stroke.

Levi: e-h...uh~...

His knees buckle as he collapsed in front of the toilet.

Continuing to play with himself, he attempted to suppress his moans, but couldn't hold back any longer. He started to breath quicker while thrusting his hips.

Levi: AH-...NGH!....AHH!~

He releases onto the floor and toilet, the hot substance puddling around the toilet and floor....

Ymir hears a sound and quickly but quietly gets out of bed and goes down the stairs.

She stops for a minute and listens-hearing some sort of panting.

She follows the sound and gets to the bathroom door. She stops and listens with her ear to the door, hearing a very small whimper.

She opens the door to see Levi on his knees in front of the toilet, not yet noticing anything else.

Ymir: oh, what's wrong honey? Did you throw up again?

Levi shook his head and looked down, he had already dressed himself but the mess was still there.

Ymir's eyes widened when she realized.

Ymir: oooh, I see. Do you want me to call daddy or do you want to wait for him to get you in the morning?

Levi: w-wait?...

Ymir: ok we can wait. You can go back to bed honey, I'll take care of this.

Levi blushes and nods.

Levi: t-thank you...

Ymir smiles and nods, then proceed to clean up the mess.

Levi goes back to the bedroom and sits on the floor, grabbing his bag and going through it.

He found a small velvet bag with some items inside, lube and a bullet vibrator.

Levi blushes and examines the vibrator.

After a few minutes he puts the bag back and goes back to bed.

Thanks again for reading guys! I hope you liked it, as I said this one is a bit more intense than the others, but I definitely cut down on how it originally was.

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