On the road again 🖤💙💜💛⚪️

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The four make their way to the store with a pale, sleeping Historia, and a now fully awake and energetic Levi in the back seat.

Levi rocks back and forth in his seat.

Levi: are we almost there? I'm bored!

Erwin looks back at the two and gently shushes Levi, tapping the littles foot with his finger tips.

Erwin: almost baby. Try to keep your voice quiet. we don't want to wake historia, she doesn't feel good.

Levi frowned and looked over at the sleeping little.

Levi: she is sick?

Erwin shrugged

Erwin: a little. She doesn't feel good when she's in the car.

Levi raised an eyebrow

Levi: can we walk then?

Erwin chuckled and shook his head.

Erwin: no baby, she's ok. Just try not to wake her up. We're almost there.

Levi nodded and looked at his stuffy, putting his finger to his mouth to shush it.

Ymir chuckled and shook her head.

Ymir: I think he gets it now.

Erwin smiles and shakes his head again, Both the doms amused by Levi.


They got to the mall and parked.

Erwin stepped out and gathered Levi's bag and retrieved his little from the car and set him on the ground.

Erwin: hand-

Levi complies.

Ymir did the same, slowly grabbing her sleeping little and carrying her through the lot.


They make it in the mall and historia begins to stir in Ymir's arms.

The three stop in their tracks and watch historia, now opening her eyes.

Ymir: you ok baby?

Historia winced and pushed her face into Ymir's chest.

Historia: head hurts.

Ymir nodded

Ymir: I figured that would happen.

She set her bag down and pulled out a pill bottle and Historia's drink.

She gave her little the pills and the drink. Historia took the medicine with a gulp and a shudder, looking up at Ymir.

Historia: down.

Ymir nodded and set her little down, picking up their bag, and grabbing her hand.

Ymir: alright, let's go.

The four headed to their first store.

Alright guys, it's a short one but I think it's ok. I just finished up my other sick fic series if you're interested in looking at it, definitely a bit gross as there's vomit in it, definitely not for everyone but if you read that stuff, may be for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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