Buying for the little one 🖤💙💛⚪️

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3rd POV
Erwin took Levi into their room and set him on the bed.

He got out one of Levi's t-shirts, closing the drawer and laying the shirt on the bed.

He pulled out a set of Levi's shorts from the next drawer as well and layed them on the bed, closing that drawer, pushing the drawer closed with his knee.

Levi: you said not need change pants!"

Levi pouted, throwing the cup on the bed.

Erwin: I know baby but it's just better to change everything "

Levi rolled his eyes.

Erwin noticed this and immediately switched to his instinctive Dom voice without thinking

Erwin: Hey! You don't roll your eyes . Understood?"

Levi looked down and blushed.

Levi: yes, daddy"

Erwins tone lightened some but his expression stayed dominant.

Erwin: Good, it would be upsetting to have your first punishement to be because of eye rolling".

Levi nodded and held his arms above his head for Erwin to dress him.

Erwin did so and Levi chewed on his sippy cup when all was done.


Erwin picked his neko up and walked downstairs, setting him on the table and going to fill his sippy cup up with juice.

Once he finished filling the cup, he began to put the top on it when he heard a big boom and sudden whimpering.

He ran out to see Levi sprawled out on the floor with slight tears in his eyes.

he rushed over and picked him up.

Erwin: what on earth happened, baby!?"

Erwin asked in a worried voice.

Levi: I fall off table"

Erwin nodded

Erwin: I see that, do you know how?"

Levi shook his head

Levi: no, don't think so"

Erwin playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head

Erwin: only you"

Levi looked at him in confusion.

Erwin went back in the kitchen and got the sippy cup with the lid on it.

He returned and gave Levi the sippy cup, picking him up off of the floor.

Erwin: Should we go now?"

The neko nodded and snuggled into his doms chest.

They finally got out the door and to the car.

Erwin buckled Levi into the back seat and gave him a stuffie with his sippy cup, then got buckled into the drivers seat.


Soon enough they were off and Levi began drifting to sleep.

They reached the store and Erwin took the keys out of the ignition and got out without disturbing his neko.

He walk to the side where Levi was and got him out of the car.

Levi dazingly held onto Erwin and fell back asleep.

Erwin grabbed a small bag from the back floor board and put the stuffie and sippy cup in it.

With that, they went into the store.

Erwin grabbed a cart and set Levi in it with the bag and pushed him to the baby section.

Levi slowly began to wake up and his eyes lit up seeing everything, Erwin smiled as he saw how happy his sub was.

Levi quickly started bouncing up and down in the cart with grabby hands towards Erwin.

Erwin chuckles and got his sub out of the cart.

Once his feet hit the floor, Levi quickly began grabbing things and putting them in the cart.

Erwin chuckled as he watched his sub throwing pacis and bottles and toys and sippy cups all in the cart.

Levi had finished throwing things in the cart.

Erwin threw a few things in as well and they traveled to the food section, grabbing small frozen kids meals and fun snacks.


Soon they got to checkout and loaded up the conveyor belt.

the cashier looked at them with a confused, yet incredibly kind expression once she saw Levi with a pacifier in his mouth.

Erwin got to the register to pay and the cashier made eye contact with him.

she smiled softly at him, looked at Levi and back to him.

There was no one else in the line so she spoke freely

Cashier: You have an adorable little there"

he looked at her in confusion and then looked at her neck, noticing that she was collared.

He smiled at her with understanding and responded softly.

Erwin: ha ha, I agree, even if he can be a handful sometimes "

they shared a laugh and Levi pulled at Erwin's shirt and reached his arms up

Levi: up?"

The cashier giggled and smiled.

Erwin picked his sub up and kissed his cheek

Erwin: yes, you are up"

the cashier looked at Levi with a funny face and Levi giggled.

She responds with

Cashier: you are so cute".

Levi looked at her neck and saw the collar and pointed, realizing it wasn't a regular necklace.

Levi: what that?"

She looked at his finger and smiled, pointing to her collar.

Cashier: That's my collar, my mommy gave it to me to show everyone that I'm hers forever "

she blushed a little and smiled.

Levi looked up at Erwin with a questioning expression.

Levi: can u do that to daddy?"

Erwin smiled at him

Erwin: within time, little one".

Soon enough they finished their conversations and checked out.

exchanging numbers with the cashier and saying their temporary goodbyes.

Levi: We gunna see her again?"

Erwin smiled

Erwin: if her mommy says yes, then yes"

Levi smiled and snuggled into Erwin's chest once more

Levi: kk".

Soon they were on their way home with their groceries and the making of a new friend.


Heyo!~ I wish I had an encounter like that. I've just been complimented on my collar with people at hot topic who seem little. Anyway, I'm in school out of summer now so I won't be able to update often. I LOVE YOU ALL AND ILL POST AS MUCH AS I CAN?!!!!!~❤️🌸☺️

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