Chapter 1: The Intro

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Here I am laying down on the cold floor in the woods. It's nice to have the trees surround me, it's some form of privacy. It obviously isn't ideal, but you know. Beggars can't be choosers.
Anyway, you see, about a month ago I found this old broken down car, and thought to myself, hey why don't I fix this. So I did.
Now I fixed it up, got some fuel and drive it around. Until it broke down on me, because you know, the world hates me. Then I walked into the forest, and have been living there ever since. It's not like I had a home before, I mean, I've been "homeless" for years now.
Anyway, in the now, I'm looking at the sky. I can see the stars, and the moon. It's beautiful. But also reminds of just how alone I am.
It's strange, sorta... seeing all the things, and realising just how much there is in the world... it makes you see the world from a whole new perspective.
I'm tired now though, so no more thinking for me. I pull out my blanket from my bag, a back pack if you will. Although it's not held together to well. I lay down, put the blanket over me and sleep.
And all of a sudden it's morning. I stand up, and continue on my journey through the woods. I pull out my makeshift sword (Crafted together with a few sticks, and stones, and some string I found) and cut through bushes, grass, and anything else, until I find something.
After what seems like hours, I stumble across something, I trip and fall down this hill thing.
"Ow!" I yell. My leg is beaten up pretty bad from the fall. I turn to look around and then I see something- A VILLAGE! I yell for joy, but then I feel my stomach drop as I realise how far away it is; but I have to get to it. I grab my sword, and limp over to the village.
Around an hour later I arrive at the village. It's small, looks old, but full off people... people who are giving me strange glances. I am a stranger after all. I crane my neck to look for anything of use, and then I spot something. A stand. A stand with food. I run, or as best as I can run, towards the stand.
"What is it you want?" Says the Woman over the stall. "Could I have some food please? Any will do, in starving." I reply back. She then picks out a selection of food. "That will be £9." She speaks. I check my pocket and pull out a few coins. I place them down, and it's just enough. "Thank you" I say, as I turn to leave. Finally, Food, I think to myself. I'm overjoyed. I walk around the village for hours, seeing all of the buildings. There's some made of brick, some made of stone, some made of wood. But they all are unique. All have something which distinguishes them from one another. It's nice. Then it hits me. I look up and see the sky- it's dark. I panic, and I run over to under a bridge. I sit down, and stay there for ages.
It's probably 3 am now... and I'm still not asleep. It's silent. It's dark. It's cold. It's lonely. But... it feels better than the woods.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps. I squint my eyes and see someone walking towards me. They bend down their legs and stay in-front of me. They have blonde hair, and blue eyes, sort off tall- definitely taller than me. "Hi." He speaks to me. I nervously nod back. "Do you need someone to sleep? I've been sorta watching you, for like the past 10 minutes. You seem cold, come, I have a spare room."
My heart fills with joy after hearing that. I stand up. "Thank you... I need that" I reply.
"No problem," he responds back "my names Rhys, by the way. What's yours?" He continues.
"My name... my name is Gabriel." I reply.

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