Chapter 6: Leadership

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I walk around the village. Two weeks after the attack, it's being built back up, and better now. I walk over to June. She's jack girlfriend, and she brown hair, normally in a pony tail. She's black, and got brown eyes. She's 16, like me.
She's my leader, well, in my campaign to lead the village. Not everyone is totally on board with me leading. I mean, I'm "new" and I'm the brother of Owen. Not really a great combination. But with June, it's like playing life on easy mode. She helps my slogans, speeches all sorts. Jack's been in the infirmity for a while now. His leg is healing... just slowly. I haven't seen Lola for a week. She's been training non stop. Rhys has just been there to support me, and talking to some other people about Owen. It's a scary time.
Im sitting down on a stair, outside, when Amy walks over to me, that girl I met, who told me about the prophecy. "Oh, hey." I say to her. She then opens her mouth, "can I sit next to you?" And I agree. She sorta sits there. From what Rhys told me, she loves me. I don't like her though... so I'm sorta hoping she doesn't.
"I heard your running for leader." She says to me. I tell her, "yeah... yeah I am.". She looks at me and then says "you've got my vote!" And then she walks off. Im confused what her goal was, but I'm thankful. We sorta need me to win. The other candidate hates me, and my buddies. It'll be bad news for all of us.
A few hours later, I've finished saying my speech, and I hear the crowd cheering. I'm happy. People actually want me here. It's different. I look around and see the posters of me, put up by June. They're amazing.
"Vote for Gabe" is plastered on every single one. It's simple but effective. I look to my friends. June, who's cheering, Rhys who's smiling, Jack, who's on crutches but still cheering, Amy, who's blowing kisses, but Lola... she's still training.
A few minutes later, I'm talking to my friends, happy. "The votes will be shown Tommorow, by the way Gabe." June tells me. I nod and begin to speak "I'm gonna go check on Lola... haven't seen her for a while." Everyone hears me and allows me too. I'm walking through the woods, to the training area where someone walks over to me. They're around the same age as me, maybe older, probably 17. She's ginger, with short, yet long hair. "Hey! I know you don't know me but I wanted to thank you for supporting the village- I want to say that, you helped us all by deafening those, Owen goons." I laugh and then speak "no problem. What's your name?" And she replies "oh! I'm Charlie! Nice to finally meet you, Gabe." She says happily. I nod and then she walks off. It's strange, but it also brings me joy seeing people having faith in me.
I continue walking down to the training area, and eventually see Lola, destroying all the training dummy's, and absolutely worn out. I run over to her. "Hey, Lola, you okay? I haven't seen you in ages... I was wondering what's up." I say. Lola turns to me. "I need to train. If I trained more, and got stronger maybe I could've helped fight Owen. Maybe he would be gone, by now." I sigh.
"Lola... nothing else could have been done. Owen is too powerful for anyone here,.. at least for now. But... we had a small win. At least celebrate that." I say. Lola turns to me and thanks me. "Thank you... I needed that." And then she walks off home. I sit down on a bench, calmed.
Then I hear a twig snap.

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