Chapter 4: Of

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Here I am, standing with my blade, and my crossbow hung on my back, ready to train, like the whole world depends on me, because it sorta does. I run over to the training dummy's and- SLASH- cut one in half- SLASH- cut Deep inside one, but shit my sword is stuck.
I let go off it, leaving it inside the dummy and grab my crossbow, and test my aim. THWICK. Straight into the head off a dummy. THWACK. I shoot a dummy's arm.
"Alright that's enough!" Rhys shouts. He walks over to me. Again. From the top. I'm confused- that's what I was just doing- training?! Right? God this is confusing. But I do as he says.
And I keep training.
I do that for hours... and hours.
Until my lungs are empty- without a trace of oxygen. Then I fall asleep. And then I do it again. God this is boring, why can't I do an actual mission-?! Why can't I do some good training? Why can't I train with my light matter, that sounds powerful from the shit people say. But "noooo" I need to train for this shit. Boring.
But then... Lola walks up to me. "Hey Gabe, I think your ready now. We need you for an actual mission-" my ears prick up "Owen has sent some troops to one of our outposts, and we need to take it back. I trust you'll be able to accomplish the task? Help will come with you don't worry." She finishes. I open my mouth to speak, "yeah. Yeah that'd be great" I reply.
An hour or so later, someone, who I've never met before, walks over to me. "Hey, I know you don't know me, but I'm Jack! And uh I'll be helping you on your mission." He has black hair, and hazel-ish eyes. He's a teen, probably 16, same as me. I nod, and begin to speak "nice to meet you jack, and cool. Glad to have you."
I can't help but notice his weapon of choice is a baseball bat. But, eh. Maybe he's good with it, I dunno. "We have to wait for one more person." Jack tells me. I nod, and wait. A few minutes later, Lola walks over, with a hatchet attached to a sort of belt thing. She looks angry. Looks like she ready to murder.
We then set off on our journey to the outpost. It's not too far away, only 7 miles. We walk for around an hour, then stop to rest, and continue for around another hour, and we reach the outpost. There's guards surrounding it, and loot being loaded into cars.
I look to jack, and Lola worried. But they don't seem worried at all.
"Alright so our plan is take out the guards on the outside, then head inwards." Jack says. Me and Lola nod. Lola and jack walk to the left and right off me, while I'm stuck smack in the middle of the base. My hands grip tightens around the blades handle, as I prepare for battle.
All of a sudden, jack rushes in, with his baseball bat, and smashes a guys head, blood pouring out, all of a sudden, almost all the guards begin running over to jack. They're wearing black robes, with hoods up, and their hands have a weird purple glow coming from them. I pull out my crossbow and shoot a few guards, missing a ton of my shots, but when I hit, it seems to do the job. Suddenly, I see Lola run in, and slash her hatchet on the back of a guards head. She rips it back out and slashed it towards another guard.
Now it's my turn. I run out, towards a guard, but all of a sudden... this purple mist is surrounding me- and I can't move- what the fuck is this?! My eyes dart around and I see a guard, holding his hand towards me, their hand glowing more purple. Some sort of magic- it's worrying. Suddenly I feel myself crushing- literally crushing. But then I see jack swing his bat at the guard. I see blood fly off, and teeth fly out the guys head. It is brutal.
I nod towards jack, as a thank you. I then run towards a guard, and slash him across the stomach. Guts spill out. The smell is vile, and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. No one said diving was THIS bad. But I continue, because... I have to. I take out a few more guards, and eventually the guards just stop coming. I search around for jack and Lola, and quickly find them, out of breath. We won the fight. God that was intense.
I hear footsteps though, I tilt my head and I see this guard... he looks taller though, with more of a robe, and his hands glowing more purple. On his chest- on the robes where his chest is is a symbol. It's like a circle, with a triangle inside it. All of a sudden I hear jack yell. "Oh no- no no- not him!". I'm confused and now scared. What's so special about this guard.
The guard lifts down his head and he looks at me.
"Hello brother".
It's my brother, Owen, rogue shadow, the evil menace I've heard so much about- he's here...
Lola chucks her hatchet at owen and it lodges itself in his arm, and I then proceed to slash Owens arm, cutting a deep wound. But this barely seems to affect him. He's... healing- way too fast for us to do damage.
We're gonna lose- aw shit. But then I feel my hand tighten around the handle of the blade more, and more, until I feel my hand pulse. It's glowing white and all of a sudden, the sword has turned white... I turn to look at owen and I see fear. I slash at him, and this time he yells. I quickly realise what's happened. My sword, myself. I've unlocked light matter, and it's infused with my sword.
But I can't celebrate too long.
Owen quickly gains himself back to reality, and is about to end me with a quick swing of his very own sword, but jack and Lola both barge into him, knocking him over.
Finally Owen stands up, realises he may be outmatched, and all of a sudden disappears leaving behind purple particles...
Me, jack, and Lola all look at each other with a "what the fuck" type of look.

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