Chapter 6: Isolation

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I wake up, and I immediately feel goose bumps on my skin, because of the freezing cold whether. I stand up, and realise I was laying on a "bed". In reality it was rock hard. I look out a window, and see dirt. Wherever I am I must be deep underground. I sit for hours not knowing how to escape. I feel defeated. I don't know what to do- I failed everyone.
Then a shadow appears in the cell door way. It's Alex. Her shadow looms over me, as I sit on the freezing floor. The door opens and she practically drags me out the room. After what feels like a decade of walking we reach a room. Inside it I see my friends.
And a few villagers from the village.
I worry. I don't know why they're here. I hide my fear and glare at Alex. I may only have one arm, but that doesn't mean I won't kill her right now if I had the chance. I'm forced down, onto my knees, as "Rhys" (A.K.A Owen) enters the room. He's carrying a spear. Without saying anything, he stabs it into a villagers heart. They're dead. He didn't even do anything- he's killing for the fun of it.
Then he stabs another innocent persons heart. Then he looks towards June. Oh no. Fuck... fuckity fuck,
But suddenly, something in me snaps before Owen can even reach June. I spring up, kick Alex across the room, and run to Owen/Rhys and pick him up by the neck. My ears are glowing white, and my hands are glowing white, with white mist coming off them. Suddenly, dark matter oozes out of Rhys' body. It's exiting, trying to escape, but instead it heads towards jack.
But I'm not focused enough to see that. Eventually the oozing stops and Rhys cold lifeless body remains. We can't bring him back. It's sad that I have to see him like this again. But I have too. I look to my people, and see the ooze going towards jack, at a quick speed. In reality all off this must have happened in seconds. Me jumping up and kicking Alex, strangling Owen, and it going to jack. But... it doesn't feel like it- but it's too late. The dark matter has been absorbed by jack.
But suddenly, Alex stands up. I've had enough of this shit. I summon my sword in my hand, and slice her head off, clean.
I spit on her head. But something doesn't feel right, still...
But I have no time to worry about that, as I rush to jack. But then something really feels off.
Why has no one anyone done anything? Why are they all frozen in place.
Maybe... maybe...
It's a dream. But it isn't I know that for sure, I sense it's not a dream. Maybe it's all an illusion. Then I see cracks starting to spread in the walls, and through them I see the universe.
Is it... the multiverse?
As I'm about to go through a crack, a voice stops me. It's Rhys. He's alive, but I know it's fake. I turn to him.
"I know this isn't real." I say.
"I know it isn't, but this gives you time to plan, and be ready, right?" He says.
I'm confused. "Plan for what?" I question.
Rhys look at me. "Saving the world." He says calmly.
Then I wake up. I'm in a prison cell, somewhere in space. I don't even question how I'm in space. I feel the goosebumps on my skin, from the cold. But something is different this time. My hands have that glowing white mist on them, and my eyes are glowing white too. I break open my cell door.
The door slams against the walls. I have to get to my friends and save them quick, before they die, or worse. I run through the corridors, and then I see Alex. I run to her, summoning my sword, but all of a sudden a sword appears in her hand too. We clash blades, slicing slightly on each other's arm, or hand. I see the dark matter oozing on the blade. This is taking up time, this fight, so I, blast her into the wall, with a beam, and raise my sword up, slicing her head off.
I continue running through the corridors. Then I find the main prison room. Turns out I was in a special one. Not special enough. I walk inside and see my friends. And then I see Owen, in Rhys' body. I see the Rhys in my dream. I remember what he said. I have to be ready, to save the world.
I cut Rhys body in half. Owens dark matter oozes out. Then I have a strange feeling. What if I absorb it? Maybe it'll cancel out with my light matter. So I open up my hand, and the dark matter floats towards me, and into me.
I feel more powerful. Then I see my friends, beaten and bruised. They're almost at the point of death, all of them. In an instant all the doors open, thanks to my new powers, and- somehow- I know what to do. I manage together all my energy- and teleport. I teleport back to the village, with all my friends. I collapse to my knees, worn out. But I'm happy. I yell for anyone in the village to come help, but I hear no reply. They're all gone. The only ones who are left, are my friends and around 20 random people I haven't even met. I look at them, and their injurys, but then I hear stamping. I climb over the hill, looking behind the horizon, and I see an army stretched out for miles. I stand on the hill. I'm the only one able to even fight... and I'm ready to. Too save the world.

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