Old Friends - Ch.9

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Quiet consuming the long midday drive back to their supposed home, yellow hues briefly scanned down from the road and across to the passenger's seat. Checking on the pup who was curled up and kicking in his dreams, he glanced back to the road and kept driving. It was a weird feeling to be with the other - taking over ownership from those who had passed. Although Kitty was not his litter sister, having grown up on the streets together long in the past; She had become his sister none the less - And if not for her, he would have easily left the poor dog behind to stay in that pound.

Paw like hands clutching the old and worn out wheel of the rusted farm truck tightly. Saving courage from his original fate was in his own way, a thank you for saving his sister and her beloved rabbit companion. Though now that he had the once annoying dog, Katz was finding himself actually enjoying the company. Being alone for so long with no other to accompany him on his scams and mischief had originally been fun and easy going. But after a while, the joy and thrills had all but dried up. Leaving the feline with a lonesome pit in the bottom of his stomach.

'Hhhh—' A soft whimper cut the cat's thought's short as he looked over to the upright pup who was rubbing his eyes. Tired and somewhat delirious from the long and emotional day. "Ah, so you've awoken." Katz spoke up. Not daring to further take his eyes from the road as they pulled into a little corner of shops, just within the boarder of Nowhere. A familiar hog owned restaurant in view as he parked the truck. The small excited bounces of the purple pup, rocking the vehicle enough to irritate it's normally patient driver. "Now, now. Do calm down dear boy. We'll go in soon." Katz soothed. Opening the door and letting the other join him freely. More interested in the hardware shop and the furniture store next door. "Tell you what. Go say hello while I do some.. Shopping." The once alley cat said. Grabbing his wallet and handing the other some money for food before shooing him off to the restaurant.

"Yay!" Courage jumped and bounced with excitement, taking the money from the other and running to the restaurant to visit an old friend. Happier still when a gruff voice called out to him from the kitchen's window "Hey you! I know you! Darlin' come look who it is!" Coming out to the counter, a large hefty pig snorted and laughed. Happy to see the purple dog before him. "Jean!" Courage called back. Climbing the tall stool to the best of his ability and taking a comfortable seat. He was thrilled to see the chef still operating his diner. Although it was rare the two had crossed paths before Muriel's passing, the memories Courage had of the other where all good. Of course ignoring the original misunderstanding to their first meeting. "How are ya dog? Ya hungry?" Jean bon asked, knowing he'd get a yes out of the other when a neat twenty was placed on the counter. "Usual deal?" He laughed, writing down for a burger, fries and vanilla shake for his self considered long time friend. His wife peeking out from the basement door where she kept and worked on her 'art'.

Greetings aside, Courage enjoyed his meal while chatting to the two pigs. Listening in to their updates on and about the local community in Nowhere. Thankfully to the dog's relief, not much had changed other than a few stores and past locals moving to the big city. Other than that, and a few supposed 'alien duck' visits by the local believers. Nothing too far out of the ordinary had gone on. "Oh.. Courage." Jean spoke up in a more gentle tone, Looking to his wife with a saddened look as she nodded and left to retrieve something. "We uh. We heard about your old lady. I'm so sorry to hear. You know my wife just loved your folks. Best muse's she ever seen!" Waiting for the other pig to return, he cleaned his hands on his apron and reached out to take the pup's paws in his own trotters. Patting softly in condolence as his wife returned from the basement with a pair of frames in her hands. Handing them over to the purple dog who whined softly when looking them over.

"You know ah' always like a picture of my inspirations before ah' make my sculptures." She said. The two pictures, lovingly framed and cleaned of any dust from age. A grumpy but healthy looking picture of Eustace and a soft and gentle smiling picture of his beloved Muriel. Small tears hitting the glass as the lonesome canine cried. Hugging the frames close and smiling before offering a small thank you to the couple who had kept them. "You've always got ah' home in us Courage." Jean bon said. Having made his way around the counter to better console the grieving and loved pup. Giving heavy but soft pats to the furred back.

"Thank you." Courage finally spoke up, placing the pictures down and hugging the two hogs before taking the frames and a final bidding goodbye. Knowing it would have been a good enough time to head back to Katz, the rusted farm truck and go home.

"Just in time." The familiar feline voice rang out, grabbing Courage's attention as he watched the taller of the two load up the truck with wood planks, paint cans and odd machinery. His imagination suddenly running wild with the awful ideas and plans the other could have for him, Causing the pup to whine and howl with fear. "OooooOOoh!" Wondering if the cat was planning to bury him in a home made casket. Or build some strange and scary contraption to torture him with. "Hurry up now. Get in the truck." Katz groaned, rolling his eyes to the shivering and anxiety stricken pooch he was in charge of. Closing the back of the truck and locking in the goods he had purchased while the other was running about. "Or should I leave you here?" He said, watching as the purple canine panicked and jumped into the vehicle, pictures in paw.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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