Beige... The color of an old home.

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Far in the distance, in the middle of no where sat the farm. Slightly dilapidated and un-cared for but still home to the still somewhat young dog who had loved it as much as he had loved his sweet lady Muriel. Hopping out of the old red truck he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to the only place he had ever truly called home.

Sure the farm was showing its age, with it's rusted hinges and creaks upon every step but the inside still looked the same as when he left it and with a little fix up Courage was sure the building would look as good as before.

From a peaceful distance, Katz kept a watchful gaze on the small purple fuz that ran around the old and seemingly no longer abandoned farm as he pulled from the rusted old truck a box and a few bags. Following in after courage he had to stop himself at the door and take a second glance at the door that had let him right on in without the use of his keys.

" I could have sworn i locked this door..."

Checking the door for faults he noticed the frame to be lacking a hole for the lock making it quite impossible for the door to ever truly close. Grumbling at his discovery, Katz made a mental note to fix the door later once he had checked to make sure nothing from the house was missing.

"Dear boy, you really shouldn't run around so much after that 'fit' you had."

Katz spoke in a displeasured tone from the sight of the easily scared pup racing around the house. Placing the box down he dug into the bags and made his way to kitchen to stock the cupboards with supplies from what he had purchased.

Watching from the lower edge of the door, Courage watched as Katz placed cans and boxes of food on the counter before putting them away respectively in their own cupboards. Placing paw to chin the pup looked around from what he could contend to be the safety of the kitchen door frame. Walking away however he chose to turn his back to the cat who had taken him in, be it his own home. He had wondered if everything had still remained.

Passing the old rocking chair and the large pink chair of his owners Courage made his way upstairs. The wood smelt of rainwater and an old rotted tree however the smell could only worsen as he reached the second floor. Rotted food and mold assaulted the poor dog's nostrils bringing him close to spilling the contents of his stomach over the floor.

Courage would helplessly call himself desperate to continue but with each step closer to his past owner's room, he was all the more sicker. Deciding it best to retreat to the downstairs living room he would stumble upon Katz, tie tossed over the armrest of Eustace's old chair and white collared shirt's sleeves rolled, the Feline was busying himself with fixing the front door.


Whining out of need and fear of bothering the other, Courage began to patter his feet in an anxious fit of thought as to what he should do. However not noticing the attention he had by now stolen from the taller of them.

"What is it dear boy..."

Turning his head out of annoyance, Katz noticed the semi green hue that had decided to add itself to the pup's face. Taking a moment to close the door and check that the lock now worked well enough to secure the home, he stood and brushed himself off before moving to take a look at the purple shaking fur ball he had adopted.

"Are you having another fit? Or is this something new?"

Asking the obviously nauseous dog. Katz cocked his head to the side in question before the game of charades began.

With frantic waving arms Courage did his best to explain the rancid smell from the upstairs that had made him so sick as well his desperate need to be up there. The crazed arm motions and un-legable jumble of words and sounds had the crouched feline wishing the dog could talk.

"Bad.... Smell... Upstairs.. ?"

It took quite the guess for him to understand just what the over energetic canine required. However, standing and placing his hands on his hips, Katz shook his head as his ears fell backwards in an uneasy feeling. Not truly wishing to travel upstairs to investigate the said smell that had the poor pup in a nauseous agony.

"Wait here."

"I think i have something..."

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