Neon Blue - The colour of a computer screen...

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---"Oh. It's you."---


Courage basicly howled in excitement as his friend spoke his first few words in a long time. Sure they wheren't the most pleasent. But to the poor dog with no one else left in his life from the past, any words where good words. Setting himself up on the chair he grabbed a dry tea towel and started to de-dust the computer who thanked him for it.

"Ah, Thank you. Do make sure you get all of it wont you?"

With a nod, courage dampened the towel slightly in a small glass of water that Katz brought him. The smell of apple and cinimon filling his nose from the kitchen as he could hear the kettle boiling. In a correct assumption, he assumed the feline was busing himself with making a cup of tea for the evening. Courage may not have had the fondest memories of the canine hating cat, however from what he did remember; was that the taller of the two did enjoy his tea. To the point that he had a rather extravegant collection in his possession.

"How long have i been powerd off?"

Computer asked as he turned on his webcam that had only just been plugged in by the purple pup whom was still giving him a good scrub down. Receiving a shrug, the AI began to wonder if the dog had lost his ability to speak. He did remember Murials passing and began to wonder if it left the poor dog mute. However, when the hushed whisper of the other rang out, his thoughts where proven false and all worries ceased.

"I don't know... a year maybe? Could be two."

"Ah, so you do speak!"

Katz's voice could be heard as he rounded the corner of the kitchen and entered the dining room to join the other. Setting down a plate which held two cups of the apple cinnamon tea, a small milk servet and a dish of sugar; he would offer the one to the pup and take his own black. Prefering the strong and untampered taste.

"I was about to say the same."

The computer chimed in loudly before his speakers could be turned down to a more welcoming volume. Adjusting his motorized webcam, he turned to view the red feline whom was quite happily sitting cross legged in one of the old chairs.

"I don't think i remember the owners ever owning a cat..."

"They didn't. The two moved out and i purchased the place."

Katz replied, sipping his tea graciously as he eyed the old and outdated model the computer was. If it was possible to transfer the AI, the feline would possibly consider giving him a better and more sofisticated body. Something more modern at the very least.

As the two made small talk amongst themselves, courage found himself happily enjoying his tea. It was the perfect soothing remedie to aid his stomach from it's nausea stricken aches. If not for the tea's thick and pleasant aroma, the smell from the mold and rotted scraps of food from the upstairs would have Courage empting the contents of his stomach, wether or not he wished to. Finishing off his sweet and calming tea, he set the now empty cup on the plater and hopped off the chair to use the downstairs bathroom.

The pound cared not for the poor and ailment stricken animals that had the unfortunate fate of entering those doors, Courage counted himself lucky at every moment of the day. Sure he was scared at first when the feline choose to take him in, but as the two spent time together; he came to realise he would be no where safer.

Opening the bathroom door, Courage pulled out a step stool and climbed up so he could see himself in the mirror, his fur felt matted and dirty; and what he saw in the mirror was no farther from the truth. The poor normaly fusia coloured pup was now a dark shade of purple. Darker then Eustace's favorite tribal mask in which he used to scare the sweet dog to death.

Turning on the bathtub's faucet he was relieved when fresh clean and hot water began to flow, He had been gone for so long and without care that he could barely remember just how nice a hot bath was. He was a canine whom loved the water, and after a year of sleeping in a metal dusty cage with little to no care apart from being given food and water; he found himself in desperate need of the soothing warmth from the bath as he hopped in without a second of hesitation.

Scrubbing him self down he let the bath water run and kept the drain open so he could wash away all the filth and dirt from his fur. Only when the water in the bath was clear and not murky in anyway did he finally close off the drain and let the tub completely fill with water.


Courage sighed as he relaxed himself into the tub, he had already washed his fur with the apropreate shampoos and now all he had to do was relax and let the hot water sooth his every ache and pain. Courage didn't count himself as being two old. If anything he was only five in human years. Yet as he sat in the bath he knew he older years would be filled with back pain and many pills. Hopefully however none of the medication he may need would be given to him with a needle. For a dog with a fear of everything, he was petrified by needles.

Time had taken the day when the pup emerged from the bathroom, dried off and ready for bed. He had used various towels and a hair dryer to get the job done, hanging each back up in their respectful places before he left the room to rejoin the feline whom was still chatting with the computer about tea and current world news. From what the canine could hear, there was alot going on. More then 'no where' had ever had happen before.

However, the troubles of the outside world didn't bother him as he watched the two talk on and on. Watching the two was just like watching Muriel and Eustace talk amongst themselves. It was peaceful and with such peace, the sweet pup found himself dozing off on the old rockingchair he loved almost as much as his sweet passed lady.

"Good night Muriel.." 

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