Deep Green - The colour of mold...

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--"Wait here."--

--"I think i have something"--

Being left at the bottom of the stairs, Courage wobbled from foot to foot in anxiety for his new owner to return. How ever with the short wait, he was finally reunited with the taller feline, his buttoned shirt held over his nose as he stepped back down stairs.

"Rotted food, a few dead rats and mold from the leaking roof. Wonderful"

Katz spoke in an aggitated annoyance. At least until this could be fixed, the feline knew he'd be sleeping downstairs. Taking the oprotunity to throw the pup a small bottle of still good anti nausea tablets he found, he made his way to the phone to call upon a cleaner and repairman.

"A luxury apartment would cost less then this house is going to.."

The taller of the two grumbled under his breath as he left the pup on his own.

Courage however was unbothered. He loved this home and all memories he had attatched to it.

Checking the bottle for an expiry date he felt safer to take the tablets when the date was atleast notibly months away. Popping one in his mouth and chewing it, he was delighted with the sweet taste of candied banana.

It was rare he'd get a banana one when most where grape. Putting the bottle within arms reach if he ever needed it again, he continued to scower the house for any remains of the past.

However as much furniture as there was, Courage felt there was something missing.

Then it hit him.

The computer!


Courage let out a long bellowing whine as he ran back to the bottom of the stairs, shuffling his feet once again. He knew Katz wouldn't return up there, at least not until it was clean and the air was safe to breath.

His friend would have to wait till morning. But courage on the other hand couldn't. Dashing to the kitchen he swipped a small tea towel while Katz was busy cleaning up in preperation for the next days morning. They had already eaten at the diner and there was no way the feline was going to pile something healthy on top of that lard ball the cook had called a 'burger'. However, he may wash down the taste of grease with some scotch. If he could find it.

Courage on the other hand was feeling fine now after chewing two or three tablets.

Back at the bottom of the stairs he tied the teatowel around his snout so he could mask the nauseating smell of up stairs. Only when he deemed himself composed enough, he took a majorly large breath and made a mad dash all the way to the attic.

Once up top he oppened the attic window and took a large much needed breath of fresh air before making his way to the computer whom was shut off.

Unplugging it from the wall he held it above his head, mouse and keyboard in tow and made another mad dash down the ladder and down the stairs. before returning up once more and grabbing the tower and scanner. His heart was racing and his legs where on fire from the heavy lifting after his little 'incident' in the truck earlier.

Taking a final relaxing moment once reaching the ground floor, Courage put down the computer and ripped off the teatowel to take large un stifled breaths of air. His heart and head pounding like a drum.

He would have passed out right then and there from exhaustion until a voice broke through his thoughts.

"Where on earth did you find that?"

Katz was standing in the door way cleaning a glass and drying it off. His curiosity peaked by the old style computer. Noticing courage's lack of energy he came to the current assumption.

"I'm going to guess it was up stairs. If it's so important to you, do put it in the dining room."

"I don't want to be tripping on it in the middle of the night dear boy."

With a nod and quick shuffling of his feet, courage picked up the computer and halued it into the dining room to put it on the table, out of any path the easily agitated feline may walk. Plugging in the cords and pressing the button, the pup could only whine with anxiety as the system began to boot. Only when a familiar voice laddent with it's thick accent rang through, did the pink and purple dog get excited. Even if the hello he recived wasn't the friendliest.

"Oh... It's you."

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