Grey... The colour of steel.

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It was cold when he woke up and cold when he fell back asleep. he remembered nothing but the rain.

The same rain that poured when his old owner handed him over to the pound. sure it was hard leaving the only one left of their little family but courage knew Eustace was only doing what he could.

Being old, courage knew the bitter farmer wouldn't be able to take care of him and it was better he find a new family to love and care for him until his time too came. but who would adopt an old scared mutt that cried all the time?

He wasn't to blame however, loosing the one you love and who loves you is a hard thing. especially when you've spent every waking moment with them.

"Oooh... Muriel"

Soft whimpers and gasps filled the seemingly quiet corridor of cages. he was lucky he was in the adoption wing and no where else. but he wished with all his heart that he could be back in the warm loving arms of his Muriel once again.

But that however was not to be. hopefully someone just as loving would take him home. someone like his sweet old lady.

Though even that was not what the universe had planned for him and in a sobbing heap , a shadow loomed ever closer until it engulfed the poor dog in darkness. looking up courage could see nothing with tear blurred eyes. but the eerily familiar voice rung clear as a bell through his ears and made him whimper as he scurried to the back of the cage.

'No, not him! anyone but him!'

The mutt whined in his mind before silence befell him and pricing yellow eyes glared as the shadow spoke.

"Tsk. tsk. Look at you, you're a mess."

The red feline tsk'd as he burned holes in the poor dogs mind with his glare. but it was too late now, Katz had already signed the papers, payed the fee and courage was now his.

Opening the door he reached in and grabbed the dog who could only scream in terror before balling himself up in terror.

"Now now, calm down dear boy. I'm not going to kill you...yet."

Katz cooed the frightened animal before setting him on the ground and attaching a blue collar and leash to him. adjusting the white button up he was openly wearing he dragged courage out of the door and to the parking lot where an old friend greeted them. an old, rusty friend.

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