Family Is All I Need...

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"Ah. So you finally return. Did you meet our guests?"

"I did. Kitty and Bunny are old friends of mine!"

Courage said happily to the computer before him. settling down in front he took to the peace and calm his electronic friend confided to him. It was a gentle and welcoming feeling. But as the small sound of a teacup clattered gently beside him, he realised he was no longer alone with his thoughts. Looking up he noticed Katz as he placed the untouched plate of bacon and eggs down beside the pup with a nice fresh cup of orange peko to match.

"Dear boy, do make sure not to let this go to waste."

The elder creature spoke softly before returning to the kitchen quietly and with very little about him in terms of sound. The floorboards dared not creak below his feet should they irritate the cool tempered feline.

Taking plate upon crossed legs, Courage dug in and savoured the taste. It was this pure untampered silence that let him take in all that was around him and all that had happened already within the short time he was awake.

"I have a family again..."

"Your old lady would be proud-"

The computer cut in, making Courage glance to the old rocking chair that sit worn but loved in it's usual place.


He did like to believe that Muriel would be happy for him. Being safe and loved. It was all he ever wanted and all he ever needed. Putting down the finished plate, the pup sipped his tea and let the hot liquid warm him up inside, putting him in an even better mood. As if he wasn't already in a good one.

"I wish i could see her..One more time. Just to let her know I'm doing okay."

"Well why don't we?"

Katz's voice spoke out over the pup's personal but verbal thoughts. Earning himself a confused head tilt from the purple dog; But only to notice the three whom where standing in the doorway and looking on to him. Bunny wearing a soft but somewhat sad smile upon her face.

"She did mean alot to you didn't she? She may have passed, but i see nothing wrong with visiting."

Katz spoke gently as he leaned in the archway of the old kitchen door, the peeling paint and chipped wood paying no heed to him. Putting down his teacup, Courage got up and off the table with a slight whimper, trotting over to the normally voided feline and hugging him. Sure he only came up to the other's knees, but it was all Courage needed.

"You mean it?"

"I do. Now get off. You're fussing my fur."


"Thank me later. Kitty, I'm taking Courage for a walk. Do stay here won't you?"

With a wave to the girl's Katz pushed courage off his legs and fetched his leash. Handing it to the pup whom happily linked it to the blue and silver coller on his neck. Courage hated these things, but without it he feared he may be picked up by the pound once more and that wasn't something he ever wanted to go through again.

"Hurry up now."

Katz becconed of him as he held open the main door to the old and very well loved house. Following him out, the two got in the old rusted truck and began their somewhat short journey to the closest field. The flatlands of Nowhere where expansive and as dry as Eustace's sense of humor. At least, maybe when he had one. But none the less, once out; the vast empty wastelands turned to lush green feilds of rolling hills and beautiful seaside views. It was beautiful and perfect. Sure Courage would have had loved to live here, there the grass was soft and didn't burn his little paws. But Nowhere was his home and he wasn't quite ready to give it up.

Rolling into a lovely little town of local farmers, markets and seaside shops; the two made a stop at a small and beautiful little flowercart where a little lady was selling a nice freshly potted bunch of sunflowers.


Courage couldn't help but point them out to the feline whom was forced to stop himself before purchasing an everyday bouquet of wildflowers.

"Really? You want to plant one?"


Katz sighed softly but paid for the lovely little flower anyway, handing it to the pup and making his way back to the truck to continue on. Not before picking up some water however. Carrying on their way, the two finally made it just outside the lush town to a quiet little hill that over looked the seaside. A large beautiful willow shading over a small bench and headstone, both in which dedicated to the pups passed owner.


"Quite lovely.."

"She loved coming here in the summer."

"I would too."

Katz spoke softly and paid his respects to the headstone of his 'housemate's' dearly departed by cleaning it off. Courage busying himself with planting the sweet little sunflower in the perfect spot. Nice and close to the headstone, but not being fully enveloped by the shade of the willow.

"I'll give you some time to yourself dearboy."

Katz waved off gently as he finished his cleaning, making his way down the hill and to the sandside of the water. He didn't want to intrude on the precious time Courage wanted to have to himself.


Courage whined softly as he sat down, dusting his paws off gently. He missed her so much, If he had the chance to go back in time he'd have lived his life over and over again just to be with her. She made him the happiest pup in the world.

With sad broken sobs, Courage curled up to the cold headstone and laid there quietly. It was nothing close to the warm loving embrace he remembered. Long sleepy days beside the TV in her lap. No worries, No fears. Just him and his lovely lady Muriel. Rocking back and forth in her chair.

Sobs turned to shivered whines and as time went on, Courage swore he could feel her. Holding him. Petting him. Comforting and loving him like so long ago. But as eyes opened and the purple pup looked up, what he saw was not his lovely lady Muriel. But Katz, petting him softly in his lap and wrapping him up in a nice warm and cozy blanket.

The day had turned to dusk and the two where already in the truck heading home.

But as sad as he was. Courage realised something. He was happy.

And with a gentle rest of his head back in the feline's lap, he snoozed away happily for the rest of the long way home.

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