Something Old, Something New...

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Windchimes and the smell of OrangePeko, A lovely way to get up.

Waking up, Courage took his time to stretch and yawn as the gentle sound of floorboards creaking in the kitchen peaked his curiosity. He could only assume it was Katz making some morning tea for the day and as he heard the kettle begin to boil and whistle, he could only feel proud of himself for being right. Getting off the chair like a toddler learning to climb, he made his way to the kitchen to see what was going on and to say good morning to his housemate.

Truth be it, allthough Katz adopted him, Courage wasn't so sure if he yet felt comfortable with calling the feline his owner. Heck, he still wasn't so sure that this wasn't just some drawn out cruel plan the other had in order to get 'rid' of him once and for all.
But as he drew closer and closer to the kitchen, Courage started to notice the sound of hushed whispers and smothered laughter. Like people talking through their hands, Or a very soft blanket.

Only did he finally dare to peek around the corner did he see three familiar figures. Two of which put a large and happy smile on his face.


The sweet rasp of an old friend called out to him, Toy mouse in hand as she parted her arms for a hug. The giggle of her sweetheart beside her.

"OoooHHhhhhh!!! Kitty! Bunny"

Courage basically howled with excitement, running to her as fast as his little legs would let him. He was so happy to see them and to see them still together. But why where they here? Sitting happily in Kitty's lap, Courage watched as Katz brought to the table, a tray of tea and some breakfast for the four of them.

"Oh courage, Kitty and I where so sad when we heard you had been sent to that awful, horrible place! We couldn't just leave you there!"

Bunny sniffled sadly, recieving a small pat on the shoulder by the male feline among them.

"I must say dear boy, you are quite lucky. If it wasn't for my dear sister i don't believe you would have ever gotten out of there."

Katz remarked softly as he took a seat and sipped his tea. The soft sound of chimes and wicker birds chirping as the morning light came beaming through the kitchen window behind him.

"He's right, If it wasn't for Kitty wanting to check in on ya, i don't think we would have ever found out!"

Bunny placed her hand over Kitty's with a soft smile before she leaned down to pet Courage.

"But now you're here and so are we! One big family!"


Kitty cut off, looking over to the soft spoken one beside her.

"Shouldn't we let Courage decide that? We may have purchased it, but this is still his home. We can't just take over like that..."

"No! No..."

Courage interjected, putting a silence to everyone in the room. Taking a moment to look deep into his own thoughts, he realised that there was a feeling inside him. A good one. One he hadn't felt since Muriel was still with him.

It was pure, untampered and fluttering happiness.

The feeling only family can give.

That No one can take away.

"Do you want us to stay? Do you want to be apart of our family?"

Kitty asked softly, silence was held in the room aside from the small sounds of Katz sipping his tea, or bunny nibbling her carrot cake. But as moments passed and time wondered, Courage finally brought his face up so he could look at Kitty's and gave a sharp happy nod.

"I suppose that settles it. Not like we would have gotten a no though"

Katz spoke out only to be cut off by the excited and quite overjoyed screams of the two girls. Watching as they jumped up and smothered the poor dog in hugs and kisses.

"Now Kitty, Do be soft with him. He's still recouperating from that horrid kennel."

"Oh! Courage, i'm so sorry."

Kitty sighed as she moved the feucia coloured dog into a position that somewhat resembled a baby being cradled.

"Oh how exciting! We'll Have to get all new things for the guest room! New rugs and chairs; Oh! And a bed of course."

"Yes, But Bunny, we shouldn't go over board. We won't be living here forever. This is Katz's house now. We're just Guests."

"I don't see much of an issue. It's not often i see my dear sister. I think that a nice---

As the two felines and rabbit conversed, Courage hopped down from Kitty's arms and let them yammer on about plans for the house. He was happy that Katz knew just how much this place meant to him and as he climbed the dining room table to see his old electronic friend.
He was sure that anything new they purchased would be a welcome addition. 

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