Chapter Eight

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Hey, I've been stuck on what to write in this one. sorry :) please forgive me....  i"m stil a bit stuck so this chapter might be a bit boring.. but hey you never know i could sprot an insipration and BOOM this chapter could get really interesting!! with out further a do.. Here is chapter eight .. enjoy!! :) 



     I might sound like a girly man but, she looked really great, I just couldn't get it out. 

' look nice' Good job Matt, it sounded like you were double thinking that.

'Thanks' She said with a slight smile. She looked really cute, wait what am i saying she fucking 18! Matt stop this. On the other hand she is going to 19, would it really matter? NO MATT! 

The rest of the ride was really painfully silent and awkward. Was I really the master of awkward? We finally go there and I was quiet relived, maybe my thoughts would stop.

'you can choose anywhere to sit, i'll be back, no drinking' 

' I promise' 


     I don't think he trusted me and really I wouldn't. If I was here alone I would probably be downing the alcohol till I was brutaly ill. But since i'm not and I made a promise I'm staying sober tonight. It was really hard to get use to the fact I was here with Matt Webb, yea he might be part of my favourite band but when you look past that, i think i might be falling for him. I know a the only encounters we have had aren't the greatest and we haven't hung out a lot, but there is something about him. Abigale stop, he's older than you, and he probably wouldnt see you that way, just stop before you get your heart broken. 

Just then my phone was vibrating, i pulled it out of my pocket to look at it. Fuck it was my mom, either I ignore it and see what she does later or answer it and see now. With my mom she might call the police, so I picked up. 



'Really, i dont know the place but i'm safe and i'm about to listen to the band thats gonna play.'

' Get back here now!'

'No, i'm having fun and i didnt drive here. good bye mother.'

'Don't you han---'

Holy shit did i just hang up on my mother, i'm seriously afraid what she is going to do when she sees me in the morning. I may be 18 but she doesn't care, i'll probably get beaten. Samething all the time. 

I put my phone back in my pocket just as I saw Matt came over.

'Who was that?' 

' My mother, she's pretty pissed I  left. I'll have to be extra quiet when i go back.'

'If it's that big of a problem I could talk to her if you want?'

'It's fine, she'll build a bridge and get over it.' 

'Well, I have a couch you could stay on till she cools down.' 

'I would feel bad for doing that, I just met you, I dont want to annoy you.'

'No, it's ok I offered.'

'If it's ok I guess i will. Thank you!' I hugged him. 


What people say about Matt smelling good, they aren't fucking kidding the man smells like heaven, mixed with fucking god. 


Sorry it's short but hey, the next one will be beautiful, you shall see why in a bit :) in the mean time have some fun!! 

-LoverDearest95 <3

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