On The Road

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4 years later

I woke up to the blazing sun in my eyes. I got up and saw that mom was already gathering fire wood.
"Good morning love" she said putting more wood in the fire and adjusting the stones around it. Today was training day for me. Once a week since that day mother has devoted a day to train. She told it was I could control my powers and my wolf. I enjoyed training days because it was the only day mother didn't look sad. On training days she looked proud of me and how far I have come. It was also important because my 18th birthday was in a month which was when I would find my mate, and I had to be in control of my powers so I didn't kill him or her.
"Okay honey time to shift" my mother told me. For the past month we have been working on using my powers in my wolf form. It was so that now what I would be safe and could defend myself in any situation. I didn't like it but I knew it had ro be done. I ran to the tree line and stripped behind a tree. Even though she was my mother I still had to be modest. I focused and let my wolf take over.

                                     PALS POV
I ran back to mother with joy. Sage didn't let me out much unless it was hunt and find food. I didn't mind though, hunting is my favorite thing but training to us mine and sages powers was not my favorite thing. I pounced on mother and liked her face. I loved her she great but due to my decent size I always knock her down.
"Nice to see you too Pal" she said petting my head. I know what your thinking Pal is your name? Well no, Pal is my nick-name sage gave me my real name is Martin. But I liked Pal better cause now matter what I would always be a Pal to sage and mother.
"Okay that's enough" Mother said sternly. I obeyed and got off of her.
"Now Pal you must be calm" she instructed me. So I closed my eyes  and went to my happy place. It was a small stream with salmon swimming all about. And mother was there petting me telling me how cute I am with my dark-tan fur, just like father's. I  raised my paw to tell her I was calm.
"Now access your power" she said. I kept my eyes closed and reached deep inside my soul. I felt it, I felted its warm touch consume me. That is when I opened my eyes. I glance at a bowl of water to make sure I did it. And when my Amber eyes turned light blue I knew I had succeed in my task. Our power felt different when I was out then when Sage accessed it. It felt weaker almost. Probably because it was made to be used in a human, well human as it could get, body. But that was what they training days were about getting me used to using the power so all the responsibilities didn't fall on Sage alone.
"Now raise the bowl of water and put out the fire" Mother said
"All you have to do is say the levitating spell I taught you last week," she said walking away to give me


Sage and I chanted at the same time in our mind. The bowl only shook for a second before stopping. At least something happened this time. Last time we tried for 4 hours and nothing happened.
"Your getting better" Mother praised clapping at us. We tried over and over for the next 4 hours only for the bowl to still shake and not rise. I was getting tried and fed up with thing not working for me. It worked for sage always. Maybe I wasn't fit to use the power the moon goddess gave us. Even if my form was strong in physical sense, when it came to doing magic I was a dud.
"Don't beat yourself up buddy"  Sage told me. But even he could make me feel better.
"Okay Pal go shift back I know your tired" Mother said petting my head. I happily went back to tree where we changed and let Sage take over again.
                              SAGES POV
I shifted back and put my clothes on and went back to mother. But she didn't look good she looked scared for her life. And that's when I turned around and saw a dark gray wolf behind me. It jumped knocking me down. I could feel it's claw digging into my throat. This is how I die I told my self. I was to weak for training to access my powers. And just as a drop of blood came from neck and naked man appeared behind the dark gray wolf.
"Mate" he said looking down at me.
"Get off of him now" the man screamed
And the dark gray wolf did so and slouched to make himself smaller. There is only one thing that can a wolf do that. An Alpha

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