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Me and Maxwell have been dating I guess you could say for the past 3 weeks. After our first date at the lake he took me bowling, then for our third it was trip to the beach. I loved spending time with him. Obviously I couldn't tell him that because it boost his ego more than it alright was. We also slept together every night. Not in that way but actually sleeping. The thing people don't see with Max is that is very kind and sensitive. But it seemed he only that way with a few people, me and Stephanie. What will happen when I turn 18. Will I feel the pull to him more because I am a hybrid or will it be normal? Knowing me it will not be normal. I sometimes wish I was normal, either your average witch or your average wolf. I wish I wasn't a hybrid it would make life ten times easier. I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I was in the library finding any information about hybrid and when they turn 18, but because they were so rare not many things were written about them. Well accept the obvious things like 'freaks of nature' and 'shouldn't be allowed to live'.
"Come in" I yelled rubbing my temples to try and not let those words get to me. Just as I went back to the book I was reading mother appeared beside me. She was wearing a loose t-shirt and yoga pants, probably lent to her by Maxwell's mother.
"I remember when you cast your first spell" she started sitting down. My mother was a wonderful,but weird lady.
"You were 11 a little young for your first spell but in runs in the family so I thought nothing of it." I nodded at her letting her know I am listening now.
"You got mad because the dessert we were having that night was cherry pie, your least favorite thing on the planet" I scrunched my nose at the words cherry pie. It was gross and should never have existed in the first place. Why people enjoyed it I will knew know.
"Anyway," she started back up booping my nose.
"It was only me and you in the kitchen and you clenched your fist until they were white. Then you looked at the pie and said dispanto. And just like that," she snapped her fingers to be extra dramatic.
"The pie was gone. I thought you be happy but you got all upset saying sorry for ruining the cooks hard work and how you didn't know what came over you. But I knelt now and held you in my arms and whispered something into your ear. Do you remember what I said?" She ask looking at me while I nodded.
"You told me that everything was going to be fine and that I was still your special little man and that I just a little extra special. You said to not tell anyone cause they would kill me and you told me you loved me and that you always would no matter what" I finished grabbing her hand.
"You my son are amazing and whatever happens tomorrow you will fine cause I will here with you every step of the way no matter what. I don't care if I have to fight Maxwell who is standing outside the door the right now" she said with a laugh.
"Come in Maxwell" I yelled and just as the sentence left my mouth entered the room.
"I will never get used to that" He exclaimed pointing at my mother.
"It is too weird sometimes" he said sitting down next to me and putting his hand on my thigh. I gave him a sideways glance and he smiled removing it and placing his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him and fiddled with the pages of the book.
"Thanks mom" I told her still fiddling with the pages of the book.
"Any time sweetheart" she said as she snapped her fingers to teleport away.
"I wish you wouldn't read those books" he told me closing the book with my finger still in it.
"Owww" I scream rubbing my injury. Maxwell took it in his hands a kissed it trying to make it better. God he is sexy when he kisses my hand. I quickly push those thoughts away and look up at him.
"I am sorry Angel I didn't mean to hurt you" he sighed getting up to place the book back on its shelf. I got up and looked at the clock it the library, 11:55. In five minutes my life will change forever. I will have a husband who I will help aid in the leading of his pack, I will have children to pass his genes and my genes on. That way we will immortal to a certain extent. In five minutes the target on my back will grow even bigger because I have an Alpha as a mate. In five small minutes that will feel like hours my life will change. I will be 18. I look at the clock again,11:59. I start to count internally but interrupted by Max counting out loud.
Two.." I interrupted him so we can say the final number together.
"One" we both say in unison. And then I smell the most amazing thing ever. It was a mix of sugar cookies and pine wood. It smelled like Christmas. I turned to Maxwell who is smiling as Pal jumps in my head.
"Mate" I say as I run towards and hug him. He hugs me when all the sudden sharp pain throughout my body like I am being stabbed my a million times. It took me a second to realize what just happened. My powers have grown stronger and my heat has started. I fall to my knees as the pain gets worse. Max holds me taking me to a foreign bedroom. He lays me on the bed and walks to the door.
"No, Maxwell don't leave me" I screamed clutching my stomach. Good moon goddess this hurts. I started ripping away my clothes while my skin was on fire.
"Angel I have to or I can't control myself" he said walking over to me.
"But don't worry I will be right in the room next door to make sure your safe." He told me pointing to a door on the left. I only nodded as he left the room.

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