Days Later

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I woke up in a soft bed that had silk royal blue sheets and a fluffy royal blue comforter on me. My head was pounding as  I leaned up to the head board to look around the room. The walls were a light blue with white trim. They held all kinds of art work from small oil paintings of flowers to to a large charcoal drawing of a tiger in the woods. In front of me was a large wooden dresser with a 40 inch screen TV and around the sides of the TV were small vintage frames that held black and white photos of what looked to be relatives. On either side of the huge dresser were two white doors with a blue accent down the middle. Just as I was staring at the wall the Right door opens to reveal an extremly tried Maxwell who's bags are so deep they could carry milk jugs no problem. As soon as he saw me his face lite up.
"Your awake" he cheered coming to sit down on the edge of the bed.
"Why wouldn't I be awake?" I asked adjusting the blanket
"Well after you cursed people you passed out and I put you in bed and you have been out for 3 days" he said looking at me with his tried eyes.
"Sounds about right" I told him getting out of the soft bed
"What do you mean sounds about right?" I asked with a shocked expression
"You forget I haven't mastered my powers yet I am only 17. So when I strain myself I usually pass out from anywhere to 3-10 days"
"Well I am glad it was only for three" he said moving close to me.
"I don't think I could last ten days without sleep" he sighed hugging me to his chest. It felt different that other hugs I was given throughout my life. His chest felt firm yet like a pillow. His arms although very strong were gentle around my smaller frame. I felt safe and comfortable. Like the hugs mothers gives but 10 times better. After staying like that for what felt like hours he finally let go, although I wish he didn't.
"So you have been awake the whole time I was out?" I asked looking at him.
"Yeah but it is fine, as long as your okay that is all that matters" he said looking me. I felt bad I had to do something.
"Well come on you need your sleep" I said pushing him to the bed.
"No I am fine rea-" he said before I cut him off.
"Nope you took care of me so I will take care of." I said pulling the blanket away.
"Okay, but can you stay with me so I know your safe?" He asked getting into the huge bed. I soon followed beside him.
"I will be right here, I never knew were scared of the dark" I smirked
"Oh please I am the Alpha I am scared of nothing" he laughed pulling me closer to him. His arms wrapped around my waist as my head laid on his chest. I could already feel sleep calling me away.
"Goonight my little angel" Max said kissing the top of my head. I could feel sparks radiating through my body.
"Goodnight my fearless Alpha" I giggled. And with that we both feel asleep.
I woke up to find Max gone. I was sad at first but then remembered that he had things to do and people to see since he is an Alpha. I rubbed my eyes awake and moved the comforter to side so I could climb out of bed. Right before my feet touched the ground the door opened to reval Maxwell holding a tray that had a plate full of food on it and a vase with a rose. My favorite flower, mother must have told him.
"Don't move" he said running to set the tray down and come to me.
"Why is the floor laced with fire runes" I said sarcastically
"No it's not"
"Then why can't I move?" I asked cocking my eyebrow at him.
"Because it wouldn't be breakfast in bed if you got up out of bed" he said bending down to lift my feet back on the bed.
"Why can't I just have breakfast at a table like a normal person" I asked pulling the comforter back on me.
"Because your not a normal person," he said bringing the tray over to me
"Your my mate and my mate gets breakfast in bed" he said handing me the tray and laying down beside me.
"What about you, where is your breakfast" I asked smelling the rose in the vase. I would know that smell anywhere it was one of mothers roses. Her roses were the greatest around and the everyone loved them. Every since we left the pack she never grew them again Well until today apparently.
"I already ate, so this is all yours Angel" he said smiling.
"How did you get one of mothers roses?" I asked curiously. Now that know it is mothers I wish I got more than one. Although one was fine since mothers roses could last years if well taken care of, which I planned on doing.
" I have my ways angel" he said giving me a peck on the cheek.
"Now eat your breakfast we have a big day ahead of us"
"Such as?" I asked cutting the sausage link on plate. I took a bite and good goddess that was it good. I let out a little moan and ate the rest in two seconds flat. Max laughed beside me.
"You shall see my little angel, until then I am going to shower while you enjoy your breakfast" he getting up and walking to the other door in the room.
"Or if you finish early you can join me" he winked. I shook my head no. I never knew why people showered together I preferred to shower alone that way I got all the water and no one hogged my soap. Max looked a little sad put powered through to the bathroom while I finished my breakfast.

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