Missing Sage

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It has been a week since Sage ran off to goddess knows where. No one can catch his scent, not even me and the best tracker in the pack. On top of that his mother has tried to locate him through scrying, but also has come up empty. Dr.Prawn's sisters have now felt terrible for calling him those things. They mostly hang their heads in shame for driving there Alpha away. Everyone in the pack is depressed and hangs out in my room most of the day where his scent is the strongest. Without him the pack is incomplete and so am I. I bumped the kitchen door open to reval Peter, Tyler, Mare, my mother, and Dr.Prawn all in a heated argument.
"Well if you didn't say all those cruel things then maybe my son would be here" Mare shouted at Dr.Prawn.
"Well maybe if you trained him better he wouldn't have gone all psycho on everyone" Tyler said shouting at Mare
"Maybe if you didn't try to attack him when he woke up from a coma you wouldn't be scared of him" my mother retorted back at her.
"That was because he threw Amber at a wall when she was trying to do her job" he fumed holding Dr.Prawn closer to him
"Maybe if you two weren't cowarding away from him like little bitches," Peter said gesturing towards Tyler and Dr.Prawn.
"Then he wouldn't have faced your sisters and ran away" he said angrily. That was when it was my time to step in.
"They were in the safe room on my order Peter" I said using my Alpha tone.
"Now how about you all stop arguing like children and help find him" I told the group going to the fridge to get a juice.
"He is right when have been acting like we have no head on our shoulders. For goddess sake I am the oldest one in this room. I should be the voice of reason" Mare said putting her head down on the counter.
"Your not the only one who is to blame" my mother said rubbing her back.
"Then it is settled, we all go look for him today" I said taking a sip of my juice. Very one nodded and left the room to get ready. I hope and pray we find him soon.


"Hello my son" a voice says from the darkness of my dream. Suddenly the woman from a few weeks ago is staring back at me with the same blue eyes as mine.
"Son?" I questioned her not breaking eye contact.
"Yes and no" she said moving away from me.
"It all started when the world started" she began looking at me to see if I was listening. I gave a quick nod and she continued.
"I am Selena the moon goddess. I was created the same time people were by the universe. I mingled among the people until I met a young couple and there family. They helped in a time of need, a time when the world was about to crumble. They helped me get back on my feet so I could save the world and in turned I blessed them" she said nodding in my direction.
"You gave one the gift of magic, one the gift of immortal life, one a wolf, and the other angel wings" I said nodding my head in understanding of the story.
"Correct. As time went on I watched as the people I gave gifts to destroy one another and the world I helped create. So I created soul mates as a means of bringing those people together. Longing for one my self I attached myself to a young witch. She became my vessel. She was strong and brave and powerful. She gave me the best time of my life because through her I met your father. I finally experienced the warmth of a soul mate, because he was meant for not only her but me as well. Soon after meeting him she feel pregnant. You got her genes of looks and grace, but it is my magic that courses through your veins." She said still looking at me. I was shocked. I was the son of the moon goddess. Words could not explain my emotions right now. My children's grandmother is the moon goddess. How I am going to tell this to Max and mom?
"Don't worry son she already knows and as for Maxwell, he will understand." She said smiling at me, but he face then fell serious.
"Your old pack has figured out your my son and they want you. They have allies as well. You must protect yourself my son, even though I want to see you and have you with me, it is not the time." She told me sadly walking away into the light for which she came.
"You have the power of universe at your hands, use it and be safe" she said walking fully into the light.
I woke up feeling more tried then I already was. But with this news of attack I had to warn the pack. I tried getting up from the makeshift bed I had been sleeping on for the past week. But with being 4 almost 5 months pregnant with three babies and missing Max so bad, my body didn't want want to do must moving around. But with sheer will power (and a little magic) I was back on my feet. I snapped my fingers and the makeshift bed along with the lanterns I hung a few days ago vanished away from wince they came. I lifted my self off the ground and headed for the exit of cave. My eyes adjusted to the sun as I looked at the woods below me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw wolves approaching the pack house from the south and southwest. I quickly decended from the mountain and landed in front of the two group. The leader set forward and shifted. As she did I saw the mark on her face. I would know that mark anywhere because I was the one that gave it to her.
"Hello dear cousin" Ellen said with a big wide grin on her face.
"What is you business her Ellen?" I asked using my Alpha tone.
"Why dear cousin we have come to bring you back home." She smirked tracing a finger over the mark on her face.
"After all I need to repay you for the beauty mark you gave me" her hand fell away from her face.
"Leave and no one has to get hurt" I told her letting my magic take over. The other wolves took a step back not wanting to get near me.
"I am not leaving until you say your coming with me" she growled shifting into her wolf form.
"That will never happen" I told her. And when a second the battle began.

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