Victory and Death

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Ellen ran at me baring her sharp teeth. I quickly dodge her attack and punched her back. Another wolf came to her aid trying to bite at my arm. I waved my hand towards him sending the unknown wolf into a tree. Ellen took this as a time to attack again. But I quickly grabbed her neck a twisted. Knowing she will not down for long I turned to the army of wolves in front of me. They all looked at me with cold eyes. Some backed away from me while three big wolves came running at me. I quickly dodge one of there sharp claws when another came at me a sliced my arm. I waved my hand and lifted them up off the ground. I threw them at the trees and summoned sliver chains from the ground. I sent a ball of blue fire towards the group of wolves. A few dodge it while others weren't as lucky. Those unlucky one remained lifeless as more wolves jumped at me. I punched a female wolf in the gut burning her with my blue fire. She was immediately turned to dust. While I kicked another spending them next to the chained wolves. I summoned more chains from ground and the closed around his legs. I was starting to get exhausted, but I couldn't stop. I had to defeat them for me, for my new pack, for my unborn children, and most importantly Max. I was shaken away from my thoughts by a sharp claw cutting deep into my back. Suddenly I didn't feel tried or week. I felt full of power and ready to take on these wolves.


We were all walking in the woods when I suddenly felted a sharp pain in my back.
"AHHHHH" I screamed kneeling to the ground.
"Max what is it?" Amy said lifting my shirt up to see if I have any wounds.
"Sages is in trouble" I gasped out trying to get up. Suddenly a blue wave came rushing out of the trees knocking everyone over but Mare.
"Sage has unlocked his true power," I said grabbing hands and helping everyone up
"We have to find him" she said running into the trees. We all followed her without hesitations. Finally I was going to see the man I loved. I was finally going to be able to hold him close and never let him go again. I was going to protect him and our children and show him every day how much he means he me. Sage saved me from a life of misery and despair. He allowed me to see the beautiful in loving someone else. He taught me how to be a better leader and friend. I loved me and couldn't lose him nor more of our unborn pups. I quickly sprinted at full speed to beside Mare who knew where she was going. We dodge the trees and low hanging branches until we cam to a small clearing on the southern border of the pack. In the middle should Sage with fire coming out of hands hitting ever wolf he aimed at. No matter how fast they were he hit with fire and the quickly turned into a pile of ashes. A male wolf came up a tried to leap on him, but Sage quickly snapped his neck with one hand.
"Sage" I said running towards him and hugging him like my life depended on it. He hugged back with even more force before his cousin ran up and stabbed him in the side.
"AHHHHH" he screamed waving his hand over all the wolves in front of him effectively turning them all into piles of ash. His eyes swirled and fell into arms.
"SAGE" I screamed, his cousin grinning with pleasure.
"I have been wanting to do that for years" she said pointing the knife at me.
"Now you know all of my pain" she said throwing the knife down and walking away. Suddenly Sage's hand waves in her direction at chain shoot up from the ground. They latched around her neck and limbs tying her the ground.
"You will never win Ellen" Sage said before he closed his eyes in my arms.
"Sage..NO" I whispered into his ear. I quickly sprinted toward the pack house, running at full speed and maybe more with  Amy right behind going as fast as she can. We reached the pack house in little to one time and kicked the door down not bothering with the shocked pack member who cleared the way for me.
"Sage you have to stay with me" I told him holding back tears. I placed him on the hospital bed while the nurses and Amy worked on him. Tyler pulled me out of room yelling
"I love Angel".
I sat outside the room bawling into my hands while Tyler rubbed my back.
"She is going to save him Max" he said pulling me into his chest. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in heart.
"AHHHHH" I wailed. I recognize the wail that escaped my lips. It was the same wail that my mother had let out they day my father died. This could only mean one thing. Sage was dead. The light of my life, the one who I loved with every fiber of my being was now no more. I let out a Sob into Tyler chest. I only felt pain. Unbearable heavy pain.
"He is dead" I bawled into Tyler chest, before the world went dark.

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