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I quickly finished my shower and walked out of the room in nothing but my towel. Sage was up stretching his arms and legs beside the bed. I watched as his leaned to the right and shirt lifted some to reval his stomach. In that moment I was glad to be wearing a towl. I cleared my throat so he would notice me. He stopped what he was doing and quickly shielded his eyes.
"What do not like what you see" I said showing off my muscles. Behid his hands I could see blush all over his face.
"Cause if you don't I can change it" I told him walking in his direction. Suddenly he removed one hand from face and snapped his figures and the towl was gone and it was replaced by a black t-shirt and skinny black jeans. I just should in awe, even though it happened a few days ago. I don't think I could ever get used to this. After a second he removed his hand and eyed me up and down.
"Black suits you"
" I know, that's why it is my favorite color" I told him walking closer to him.
"Why do not want to see me naked?" I asked looking in his eyes.
"Is there something wrong" I said with sadness in my voice. I just want him to love me.
"I am very traditional Maxwell, I want to turn 18 have our ceremony and then mate. Until then we can't see each other naked or kiss" he said walking past me I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Why can't we kiss" I asked trying to figure out what I have done wrong. I know I have only known him a few days but I love him and don't want him to hate me. Just as the thoughts ran through my head Sage's face turned sad.
"It is not you Maxwell well kinda and it is also me. I know kissing will lead to more and I want to do that after our ceremony and plus what if I loose control of my powers and hurt you like I did my old pack a few nights ago?" I heard him speak but my brain refused to process and understand. Why did he think he was going to hurt me? I had many quickly but they were stopped by a single tear running down Sage's face. I stopped my questioning and pulled him into a hug. I didn't know what to say in that moment but I had to try and assure him in anyway possible.
"I understand your choices and I will respect them. As for your power I am not scared. I don't care if you could turn me into a toad or curse my mind into seeing things that are not there. I don't want you to be scared either cause your powers are going to be my saving grace one day and not my doom." I told him pulling him into me tighter. After a few minutes he stopped crying and looked at me. Even though he had just been crying he still looked as beautiful as ever. His eyes swirled a second before turning blue which indicates that his witch side has taken over.
"You really don't fear me" he said in his deep voice. God that voice is so sexy. I just wanted to throw him on the bed and make him mine right then and there, but I pushed those thoughts away and looked into his eyes. They showed pain and sadness along with the weight of the world.
"No I don't" I told him still keeping eye contact. He didn't say anything and went back into my chest inhaling my scent. I could only laugh. It wasn't a big deal but it was the cutest thing ever.
"What are you laughing at" he giggled
"If you want to secretly smell me you going have do better" I said through my laughs. He just hit my arm and walked to the other side of the room.
"Okay you have your laugh and can you leave so I can get ready" he said looking at me with his blue eyes. I walked out the door and down the stairs to the small hallway. Then I walked in the kitchen to see my mom talking to Sage's mom, Mare.
"Good morning" Mare said smiling at me.
"How did you sleep?" Mom asked side eyeing me from the fridge.
"We slept alright" I said moving to get a glass of water.
"Mare I have a question." I said filling my glass up and turning to face her.
"What is your question Maxwell" she asked smiling.
"Well what is the true extent of Sage's power?" With that her face fell and she walked over to the window.
"Do you truly want to know?" She asked looking at me with a nervous look.
"Yes I do" I told her setting my glass down. Just then Sage walked in wearing dark blue skinny jeans that showed off his butt perfectly and a dark blue t-shirt that was about a size to big and navy blue shoes. His hair was only fixed enough to frame his face, but still a little messy with his fluffy curls. To say he looked hot was understatement. He was drop dead gorgeous.
"Wow" I said still looking at him. When I met his eyes I could see they changed back to there original state.
"Thanks" he said with a light blush creeping onto his face. Which made him even more beautiful than he was a second ago.
"We will talk later Maxwell" Sage's mother said walking over to Sage.
"Bye my love have a good day" she said kissing him on the head and hugging him. I couldn't help but make a low growl and her. Before she could hear mom came over a smacked me upside the head. And whisper yelled in my ear,
"Be nice that is his mother and if you don't straighten up I will put you in the dungeons for a day" she said glaring at me. Even though I am the Alpha my mother can still punish me.
"Are you ready to go" Sage asked looking at me.
"Yeah let's go" I said grabbing the keys off the rack beside my mom. We walked out of the kitchen through the living room and out the door to my jet black truck. Like I said black is my favorite color. I walked over an opened the door for Sage he rolled his eyes.
"I have functional arms you know I can it myself" he said looking at me.
"Angel as long as your with me you will never have to open a door again" I said smiling at him. He let a small giggle and faced me,
"I am holding you to that" He said before sliding into the truck. I closed his door and walked to the driver's side when the door flung open almost knocking me in the face. I slid in looking at a laughing Sage. His laugh was like music to my ears. We drove to our destination in comfortable silence. I was taking Sage for a day put on the lake then we would have a picnic lunch I packed this morning. I was nervous as we pulled up next the bright blue lake. But they were calmed once I saw the look on Sage's face. He was in complete shock.
"I have never seen a lake this beautiful" he said jumping out of the truck and toward the lake. I got up and ran after him. I finally caught him at the edge of the lake just starring at the water. Just as I was about to move past him a jet of water came right at my face. Sage laughed so hard he was clutching his stomach.
"You..should..see the..look..on your face" he said between breaths. Well if thought that was fun what I am going to do to him is going to be great. I picked him up and threw him straight into the water. He flew in air and before he hit the water he snapped his figures and swim trucks appeared on him. He hit the water with a huge splash and swam back to shore. I couldn't help but look at his torso. He was skinny but lean and his nipples were a beautiful bright pink and perky and his abs were just starting to define themselves. He looked like a God with beads of water dripping down his chest. I could feel my pants start to tighten around my crouch. Once Sage saw me stare he snapped his fingers and a swim shirt appeared on him.
"Aww why did you do that" I whine getting closer to him.
"Because you were drooling" he said crossing his arms.
"Well I can't help but drool when I have a sexy mate like you" I told in a deep husky voice. God I wish I could just take him here and now.
"Okay big boy watch it" he said putting his hands up.
"Now what do want to swim in?" He asked looking at me.
" Actually I have my swim gear on" I said taking off my pants and shirt to reval a tight black speedo. Which showed me off pretty well if you know what I mean. Sage looked me up a down before flashing me a smile.
"You look great, now time for some payback " he said smiling even bigger before I could think I was floating of the ground and toward the lake.
"Don't your dare drop me" I said glaring at him.
"Oh I wouldn't dare" he smiled. Seconds later later I was hurling toward the lake and within seconds the warm water smacked me in the face. Sage dove in after me a swam to where in had thrown me.
"Now we are even" he said booping me nose and swimming away. I chased after him and threw him over shoulder and dove down to bottom. Sage swam put of my grasp and off to the shore. We chased each other for 2 hours before Sage asked about lunch.
"Okay close your eyes and wait here" I told him placing him down right next to the shore. I run and got the picnic basket along with the blanket and candles. I set the things up along a near by tree and took the lighter I packed to light all the candles. I set out the two big sandwiches I made which had turkey,ham, tomatoe, lettuce, mayo, and mustard. Then I set out the the two glass and poured some coke into them. Lastly I set out the two pieces of chocolate cake mom baked yesterday along with deviled eggs and potatoe salad. Once I got everything set up I ran back to Sage, who still had his eyes closed, and lead him to the tree.
"Alright open your eyes" I told him. He held his hands to his heart and took the whole scene in. His face in complete bliss.
"Do you like it?" I asked nervously.
"Like it. No I love it" he said hugging me. I took the chance to kiss him on his head.
" I am glad you do" I said holding him in the hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I realized we had food to eat.
"Let's eat" I said helping him sit down. We ate the sandwiches and talked about our family.
"What happened to your father?" He asked wiping mustard from the corner of his mouth.
"Well rouges attacked about 5 years ago. We have had trouble with them before but this time they were prepared. Welk my dad was weak due to lung disease. He was a smoker so it wasn't a shock," Sage shook his head taking in every word.
"Well the battle happened and we won but with my fathers wounds and his lung disease there was no chance he could recover, he died 2 days after the battle" I finished taking a bite of my sandwich.
"What about you?" I asked in the of chewing.
"I killed my father to seal the curse on my old pack. He was decent dad but he had a bad temper and once he found out my mom was a witch and that I too had powers he went crazy he hit us and told everyone I was a mistake and that my mother had spelled him and that were not true mate" he said wiping his face again while took in every word.
"Soon the Alpha found out and kicked us out of the pack. I don't think mother forgives me even after all these years. I know she still loves me but I still heard her cry in the middle of night calling his name" he finished grabbing a scoop a potato salad.
"Well no one will do that here cause if they even touch a hair on your beautiful head I will kill them" I said taking the last bite of my sandwich.
"I think the pack already fears me because of my power. I am afraid they don't want me as their new Luna or Second Alpha or whatever my title will be" he sighed leaning against the tree.
"They just have to know you first and then they will love you. Also you can be called whatever you want rather it be Luna or Alpha or ye'old great one" that got a laugh from Sage and moved closer taking his hand.
"You just have to believe in yourself and know that with all your heart your making the right choice. And if you can do that then you will have no problems with the pack" I finished hugging him. After a few moments I broke the hug and cleaned up the picnic and changed back into my clothes while Sage snapped his figures to replace his. We drove back to the pack house in comfortable silence like before. I learned alot about my mate. One he was insecure about his ability to lead. Second he had a big heart. Third he had other demons he was dealing with. I only hope he could let me take off some of his burden and slay those demons.

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