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Chapter 17
( a week later )
Rachels pov :
Its been a week since I ran out on Kurts sleep over because Finn and I kissed again. I feel awful about running out on him but I just don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship again after Karofsky. I like Finn , I really like him its just I don't want to get hurt again. I've been avoiding Finn since Monday and I know I'll have to face him eventually but I just need time to figure out what I'm going to say . I feel like he wouldn't understand it though. Anyway I was in spanish when the bell rang I kept my head down as I packed up my books Mr.Shue stopped me and said , "Rachel can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked. I nodded and sat on the desk . "Whats up Mr.Shue?" I asked. "Are you alright Rachel ? You've been acting kind of weird this week . " he told me . "Yeah I'm fine." I said lying . "You can tell me the truth Rachel whats going on with you? I know that ever since the whole thing happened... " "You mean my suicide attempt ?" I said irratated . "Yeah , you've been really emotional . " he said. "Mr.Shue listen I went through something tramatic something that I would never do again okay I'm fine I'm just trying to get along with my life and move on . " I told him . "I know its just that when something like this happens to someone like you .... " "Someone like me ?" I asked. "Mr.Shue listen I've been through alot through the past 2 years okay I've been bullied, hurt , called names that weren't even true I've been through so much so how could you possibly understand what I'm going through ?" I asked raising my voice slightly. "You're right I dont understand but I just don't want you building a wall around your self and isolating everyone from your life and then try to commit suicide again. " he said. "You don't get it Mr.Shue I already built a wall around myself because I don't want to let people in right now I'm not ready to let anyone in and I don't know if I'll ever be. " I said and then angrily stormed out .

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