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"In a world where only Alpha, Omega and Beta exist. The way Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are represented in the world will be heavily influenced by the planet. 

Alphas have a few things in common: they may be in positions of authority, whether it's because of their rank or because they've been assigned to top positions. In a partnership, they'll be the more dominant sexual partner. They can also utilize their fragrance to influence people because they have active control over it. Alphas take on the role of protector for Omegas, and Alphas should impregnate their partners whatever of biological sex, if their partners can get pregnant.

The majority of the population is made up of betas. They are usually ordinary people with no exceptional features, and as a result, they may be undervalued in the world-building process. Similar to how Alphas and Omegas are.

Omegas are said to be more weak and submissive. In comparison to Alphas and Betas, they also have less control over their bodies. Furthermore, regardless of their biological sex or preferred gender, they can usually get pregnant."

The professor came to a halt when the bell rang. Their professor informed them that they will have a new classmate.  Apparently, he was indeed a classmate of theirs, although due to medical reasons, he was unable to attend.

"His condition was fine, according to the doctor, and he was permitted to join to your class, be good to him" prof said.

When the teacher left, the students began to leave. Wang Yibo appears to be curious about the new person. Is he similar to everyone or exceptional?

With a poker face, Wang Yibo walks down the corridor. He didn't look or gaze at any of the girls or boys he came across; they were all the same to him. They all seemed hungry for his pheromones. 

He is sick of people clinging to him merely to smell his pheromones, so he tries to hide his smell as much as possible. 

When he arrived at the canteen, he noticed a crowd forming in the center. He had no idea what was going on and was not a nosy guy, so he simply passed them by, but a flying tray slammed into his head with an orange juice spilled all over him. People gasp. 

Yibo's blood began to rise to his temple. He's attempting to pass through, yet he's still in trouble.

A man approached him right away and handed him a tissue and asked "Are you ok?, I'm sorry" 

Yibo tells himself subconscious, 'I'm probably not okay.' He lightly cleaned his face and fixed his hair. When he looked up, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.  Yibo seems to can't gaze at his sparkly eyes because he's afraid of becoming lost in them. He has the ideal nose structure, kissable pink lips, and a beauty mark beneath his lips. His physical look screams perfection. "An angel?" he blurted and immediately covered his mouth when he realized what he said. The guy slightly chuckled and help him fix his hair. 

While Yibo appears to be unable to process things due to the guy's beauty, the other students appear to be concerned about their most dominant alpha. Little did they know that the person standing in front of them will be the one who'll change everything.


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