season one: part one

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Edwina wasn't normally this late. She made it a point to be one of the first cars to pull into the parking lot. But after staying up all night with Steve, she didn't wake up to her many alarms.

As a precaution, Edwina had at the age of twelve, insisted on buying five alarm clocks so she wouldn't be late. Her mother said that she would be fine, but Edwina insisted. She was always so worried about everything. She had to be perfect. She was just like her father in that way.

Steve had climbed through her window at nine pm and left at three am. He was persistent that she help him come up with a way to impress Nancy, his reasoning apparently being that after so many years of competing with her, she would know what she didn't like, and he could use that as a start. Edwina was definitely confused by his logic, but she helped Steve nonetheless. She had never really enjoyed Nancy, and Nancy had never enjoyed her. Their families were friends because of Mike and Dustin, but she guessed you could say they had a good old-fashioned rivalry, all based on old grudges and academic validation. But regardless, Edwina said yes.

Steve was her best friend.

And Edwina could never say no to her best friend. Steven took advantage of that often.

Right now, she was really regretting that weakness. She rolled out of her bed, quickly shoving on her mom jeans, black pullover, and red converses, before running out of the house.

"Winnie hun, pick up Dusty after school!"

"'Kay, bye!"

Getting in her mum's old car, she turned on the radio and sped down the road, her long strawberry blonde hair flying out the window. She reached for her water bottle, only to find that she had forgotten it.

And if she turned around now, she would be late. Hawkins High came into view, and Edwina swerved into her usual parking spot, slammed the door, and ran inside.

People were still sitting in their cars, but not Edwina. She sped down the hall, stopped at her locker and caught her breath. Well, tried to catch her breath.

She really hated being late. Rushing was her least favorite thing ever.

She pulled her binder out of lesson plans, and headed to her first hour class, teachers assistant to Mrs.Clicks.

She walked into the partially full classroom and fully expected Steve to be nowhere in sight. Her eyes were amazed and shocked when she saw that he was in fact sitting in his seat, staring at her. His eyes lit up as she sat down and organized her desk.

"Where were you, Wilkins? You're never this late."

"I slept in after I spent virtually all night helping you. Remember?"

He laughed. "Oh yeah. I- I didn't use any of our ideas."

"So I could have gotten a proper night of sleep?"

"That sums it up. Yeah."

"Sometimes I can't stand you, Steven."

"Aww, you know you lo-"

Mrs.Click cleared her throat and looked pointedly at Edwina. "Are you going to be able to pay attention today Ms. Wilkins? Or do I need to move Mr. Harrington?"

"Nope. We're good."

"Great even."

Mrs.Click rolled her eyes. "Perfect. I would hate to have my assistant reassigned. Now today we're going to be-"


Edwina walked out of class, but not fast enough to abandon Steve. He slung his arm around her shoulder, which she quickly moved out of.

Love Story: Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now