season two: part eight

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They piled in the car, Edwina driving, Max in the passengers seat, Mike behind Edwina, Steve in the middle back, Dustin behind Max, and Lucas squished between the door and Dustin.

"Alright, let's go."

Dustin and Mike held on to Steve, and the ride was mostly silent. Until Max striked up a conversation.

"So, why did my brother call you a skank?"

Edwina tried to think of an appropriate way to say this, without telling them every detail. "Well," the three boys leaned in. "Your brother and I had a very short stint where we liked each other." The boys groaned. "And by short, I mean like two days. God you three." She turned back to Max. "Anyway, we were at a party, and he asked if I wanted to get a room." Dustin covered his eyes. "I told him no, he got mad and then proceeded to embarrass me in front of the whole senior class." She smiled. "It was great." Edwina smiled back at Steve. "Steve drove me home, and I never thought about Billy again." Max nodded.

"My brother's an asshole." She put her hand on Edwina's arm. "I'm sorry."

He laughed. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

Dustin huffed. "It's not fine. I'm gonna beat his ass." He looked at Max. "No offense."

"Dustin, relax. I have it under control, besides," She smiled. "I have Steve."

Max smiled at the older girl and leaned over. "How long have you liked him? Steve?"

Edwina giggled. "Between you and me, about five years."

"Jesus Christ!" Max snorted, and Edwina smacked her.

"Don't be rude."


Steve didn't remember much, but he did remember punching Billy Hargrove, and Edwina bandaging his head. He had been out for the rest of however much time had passed. He was waking up now, the random flashes of light hurting his pounding head, and was very confused as to why Nancy was holding a gallon of gas.


Mike stared at him.

"No don't touch it."

Steve furrowed his brows and whipped his head towards the voice. "Edwina?"

"Hey buddy, it's Dustin. It's okay, you put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight. You're okay."

He started touching his face. "Ow."

Max started giving Edwina directions. "Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai."

Steve groaned. "What's going on?"

Edwina smiled back. "Hey, Stevie Boy. Relax. It's okay." She put one of her hands back, grabbing his. "It's okay."

Steve started freaking out and reached for her hand. "Where are we going?"

"Just relax, Edwina will protect us. She's fought them before. You know that." 

Steve then started hyperventilating, because there was no way that Edwina was voluntarily leading the kids into imminent danger. "Woah, Woah, Woah. Stop the car!"

Edwina stepped on the gas, just wanting to get to their destination as quickly as possible.

"Slow down! Stop the car!"

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