season two: part six

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Edwina stood behind Dustin, her hands on his shoulders. The rest of the kids sat around the table and Hopper yelled at the phone.

"Cheif Jim Hopper!"

"Have you tried to contact the police?"


Steve walked over to the table and leaned against the counter by Edwina.

"They didn't believe you did they?"

Hopper huffed. "We'll see."

Mike scoffed. "We'll see? We can't just sit here while those things are loose!"


"We stay here, and we wait for help." Hopper walked away, murmuring angrily.

Edwina let go of Dustin's shoulders and crouched down in front of all the kids. "Hey, guys."

They all stared at her. She started to feel like an idiot, but Edwina thought they needed a little to pick me up. So she tried her best. "It'll be okay. You know we'll take care of you guys, and help Will. We- we just have to try our best to trust Hop-"

"He won't help us. He's going to wait for the military while Will dies."

"Mike-" She grabbed his hand. "You have to understand, Hopper is just doing this by the book. Call for help, and wait for backup." He sat back, and Edwina rubbed the back of his hand comfortingly. "I love Will as much as you guys do, right?" Mike nodded. "So if you don't completely trust Hopper, trust me. Jonathan, Joyce, and I would never let him go without a fight."

Steve observed his best friend talking to all their kids. She was amazing at comforting hurt, sad, and angry people. It was one of the things he- he liked most about her. He pulled up a chair and decided to try and help her reason with these kids. Steve sat down beside Edwina, and leaned forward, his hand pointing at each of their faces. 

"Listen twats, we don't want you running into the line of fire if you don't have to. That's my job."

"Our job."

"Yes. Our job." He smiled at Edwina. "Thank you. for that."

"No problem."

She turned back to the kids. "Just try to relax. For however long you can."

They all grumbled, and Dustin decided to do something nice for his cousin. Something she would definitely thank him for later.

"Alright, mom and dad."

Mike, Lucas, and Max giggled. Steve rolled his eyes and got up. He looked down at Edwina and offered her his hand. "Want to go take a nap?"

She grinned and put her hand in his. "A nap?"

He walked away, her arm looped through his, like a princess being escorted. "Yes. We just fought Demogorgons and walked halfway across town. A nap is exactly what we need."

She leaned her head on his shoulder, yawning. "Good idea Harrington."

Max watched them walk away, slightly smiling. The boys were disgusted. That was basically their older sister, and cousin, blatantly flirting with Steve Harrington. Max turned to her new friends. She had to admit they were very cute together, and she was curious. I mean she was new. So you couldn't blame her for asking the next question.

"So how long have they been dating?"

Dustin choked on air. Mike laughed, and Lucas patted Dustin's back. "They aren't."

Mike nodded. "They're best friends."

Dustin leaned forward, whispering. "Last year, during Christmas..." they all nodded, "Steve kissed her on the cheek."

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