season two: part five

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Edwina, Steve, and Dustin threw the rest of their piles together to form the ultimate trap.

"I said medium-well!"

Lucas waved at them, and some ginger girl walked behind him. Steve looked at Dustin. "Who's that?"

Dustin just stared, and Edwina and Steve looked at each other.

"Dear god. That's her." Steve mouthed. Edwina nodded and went over to introduce herself. She got in front of the two middle schoolers, and punched Lucas in the arm. "Good to see you kiddo." He smiled and kept walking over to Dustin. She held her hand out to the girl. "Hi. I'm Edwina. Dustin's cousin."

She smiled timidly and shook her hand. "I'm Max. I'm sort of friends with Dustin and Lucas."

"I've heard you're better at DigDug than Dustin. Impressive."

She grinned. "Thanks. There's not much to do here."

"Agreed." Edwina clapped her hands. "Do you mind helping make a fortress out of that bus?"

Max nodded. "Sure." She looked back at the two boys crouched behind a car. "They're so weird."

Edwina laughed and walked towards the scrap pile. "Tell me about it."

Steve banged a chair up against the car they were hiding behind. "Hey! Dickheads. How come the only ones helping is that random girl and Edwina?" He started walking towards the bus. "We lose light in 40 minutes, let's go." The two boys didn't move, and Steve became impatient. "Let's go I said!"

Dustin huffed. "Alright, asshole!"


The five of them started taking every sheet of metal they could find and stacking them against the side or inside of the bus. Steve took the gas and poured it on top of the pile of meat, trailing it back to the bus entrance, so that he didn't have to go into the line of fire. (Get it?) Max and Edwina grabbed a ladder and brought it inside of the bus so they could spy on the demo dogs from a distance. It started to get dark, and Edwina decided they should all get on the bus, just to be safe.

"Alright, come on guys. Hurry."

Steve went to the back, making sure everyone got in the bus.

"Let's go Harrington."

He huffed. "I'm coming. Relax."

Edwina got in and shut the door, all of them either sitting on the couch or laying on the roof. Lucas opted for the roof, and Dustin, Steve, Max, and Edwina sat on the couch. Edwina leaned her head on Steve's shoulder. "I never want to do this again."

Steve laughed and put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him and leaning his head on hers. "Trust me. We won't."

Steve started playing with his lighter, and Max crossed her arms. "So you really fought one of these before?"

Steve nodded.

"And you're like 100% sure it wasn't a bear?"

Dustin got up and looked out the window. "Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear."

"Geesh. Someone's cranky." She started to climb the ladder. "Past your bedtime?"

Steve felt sort of proud. "That's good. Just show her you don't care."

Edwina smacked his chest. "Steve."

Dustin huffed and sat down on the couch. "I don't."

Steve winked.

"Why are you winking Steve? Stop."

Edwina laughed, and Steve winked again. "Stop what?"

Dustin got up and looked out the windows again. Edwina stood up and crouched down by her cousin. "You okay Dusty?"

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