season two: part one

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Edwina loved her cousin. She really did. But it was moments like these that made her want to strangle him.

"Son of a bitch!" He flipped a couch cushion. "Son of a bitch!"

He then walked over to where Edwina was literally sitting and did the same thing.

"Looking for quarters, twerp?"

He looked up hopeful. "Yeah."

"I'll give you ten if you stop messing with my seat."


He fixed the couch and looked at her expectedly. She looked back up at her cousin. "Right now?" He nodded impateintly. "Alright alright. Let's get you some quarters."

She went into her room, Dustin right on her tail. Opening her closet, she pulled down her piggy bank from middle school.

"Here you go. Ten, Dustin." He counted to make sure. "Need a ride?"

Dustin laughed. "You trying to avoid your college acceptance letters?"

"That is none of your business. Do you need a ride or not?"

"Yeah, yeah."


They parked, and Dustin ran in ahead of her. Edwina didn't really mind, she just liked to look around. And Dustin was close.

She didn't want to be at home. She was scared about college. Scared that she wouldn't get in, and if she did, scared of how everyone would react to her moving away. Scared of how Steve would react. She knew that he would be so proud of her, but that's not what scared her.

Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin were crowded around Keith. They never really associated on purpose, which was why Edwina had thought it was odd almost instantly. She walked up behind the four boys and listened in.

"You want information, you know what I want."

They all looked to Mike. "NO! No! I am not prostituting my sister!"

Keith shrugged. "That's fine. There's always another option."

They all looked to Dustin. "No. Not Edwina either. You're insane."

She decided to make her entrance now. "Who's insane?"

Dustin started making fun of Keith, completely ignoring Edwinas presence. "Why would I want you to give your nasty ass rash to my cousin?"

Keith spluttered. "Acne isn't a rash you prepubescent wastoid."

"Oh, I'm a wastoid? She wouldn't want to go on a date with you. You make 2.50 an hour. Plus," Dustin smirked. "She has better choices."

Edwina's eyebrows scrunched. "I do?"

He nodded. "Steve Har-" Edwina put her hand over Dustin's mouth.

Dustin's fight or flight kicked in, and he licked her hand.

"God, Dustin! What the hell!"

He flailed his arms around. "Don't put your hand on my mouth!"

"Well don't go spilling secrets that aren't yours, shithead!"

Keith smirked. "Still obsessed with King Steve, Wilkins?"

"Still not getting that date, Keith?"


Edwina woke up on time. It was nice. She thought she would skip school that day, but she woke up with this strange sense of optimism. It was kind of freaking her out. Nevertheless, she continued with her normal routine. She chose her favorite lavender sweater with white converse and a floral ankle-length skirt. She pinned back her hair but left two strands in the front. Putting on mascara and lipgloss, she grabbed her backpack and a couple of Eggos and headed out the door.

Love Story: Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now