season one: part three

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(Edwinas funeral dress... imagine it's a little longer)

Edwina didn't go to school the next day, and neither did Dustin. They just stayed home and watched Star Trek while eating Cocoa Puffs. They had both been very comfortably moping for hours before a knock interrupted their solitude. Dustin looked over, but Edwina got up. She needed to stretch her legs anyways.

"I got it Dusty."

The knocking got more and more obnoxious by the second, and Edwina quickly walked to the front. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

She opened the entrance, to see Steve standing there with a folder of school work. Odd.

"Hey." He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. "You weren't at school today."

Edwina nodded slowly. "Yeah. It's been-"

"Rough. I get it." He smiled slightly. "I brought you your homework. I even took notes." He held out the paper. "Here."

"Thanks, Steve."

"No problem." He looked around, before speaking again. "Are we- are we okay?"

She had known that question was coming. "Yeah. Yeah, we're fine. Wrong place, wrong time." She laughed. "Besides, you can't get rid of me that easily."

He sighed, talking under his breath. "Yeah. That's what that was." Steve smiled back at his best friend. "Listen, if you need to talk about what happened, I'm here. You know that, right?"

"I know you are. If I need to talk, I know who to call."

He smiled. "Good. My duties never have a day off."

"They certainly do not."

"Alrighty then. I'm leaving now. Off to find my ever-elusive girlfriend."

"Those are some big words for you Stevie-boy."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."


He saluted her, and she walked back into the living room, Dustin still in the same position he had been in when she'd left.

"Who was that?"

"No one."

He raised his eyebrows and had very obvious mischievous intent in his question. "Not Steve?"

"None of your business, now go back to watching TV."

Edwina pulled the blanket under her chin and fell asleep sometime during the Flinstones. When she woke up, Dustin was gone. She could only assume that he was out with Eleven, Mike, and Lucas. She really couldn't do anything about that now. So she finished up her homework, fell on her bed, and went back to sleep.


Dustin had filled her in on what had happened, but only after intense bribing.

All her Three Musketeers for life.

He told her that El had found another world, and that's where Will was. He didn't think she believed him at first, but she truly did. After her mother's disappearance and the Hawkins Lab refusing to take responsibility for her death, she couldn't help but be suspicious. They got ready for Will's funeral, and Dustin had to try to look sad. People would be very suspicious if Will's closest friends weren't extremely upset at his funeral. They all piled into Edwina's car, and drove to the reception.

"We need to ask Mr.Clarke about the other world."

"Like how to get there?"


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