season one: epilogue

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Edwina drove herself to the hospital, and when she entered the emergency room, everyone else was already there. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were all asleep on each other. Steve and Nancy were sitting together, and Jonathan was nowhere to be seen. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler was also in the waiting room, but Mr. Wheeler was asleep, and Mrs. Wheeler was reading. Edwina could only assume that Jonathan was with his mom, waiting for Will to wake up. So she sat in the corner, rolled into the fetal position, and fell asleep almost immediately.


She groaned. "Weena, wake up! Will's awake!"

She rubbed her eyes and tried to make out who was talking to her. "Dustin?"

"Yup it's me." She could hear the annoyance growing in his voice. "Will... is... awake!"

"Oh." She grinned, throwing off her blanket. "Oh! Take me to him!"

He grabbed his cousin's hand and dragged her to Will's room. The whole party was there. Will's eyes were bright, and you could tell he was trying to absorb everything he could. She walked up to the end of his bed and waved.

"Hey, bud."

He smiled. "Hey, Weena."

But just as soon as she had gotten his attention, the boys stole it right back. Edwina took this as a sign to go and walked out of the room. Sitting back down in her old spot, she waited until Dustin decided to leave.

"Hello there, Wilkins."

She grinned and opened her eyes. "Harrington."

He sat beside her, fidgeting with his fingers. "I'm sorry. About everything."

She smacked his arm, and he jumped, rubbing the affected spot jokingly. "Ow!"

"Oh shut it." She leaned her head on his shoulder and hummed. "It's alright Steve. I forgive you."

He laughed. "Can I go now?"

"No. Now stay still. I'm exhausted."

Steve rolled his eyes. "How about we go back to my house and get some much-needed sleep? Your aunt is here, she can bring Dustin home." 

"But I-" 

"Wilkins, you need to sleep, and your aunt is more than capable of driving that little shit." He stood up, holding out his hand. "Come on, let's go."


He glared at her. 

"Fine, god. You're so pushy."

He walked slowly with her, his arm around her shoulders. When they finally got back to his house, Edwina collapsed on his bed. Steve sighed. "Weena, come on. You can't go to sleep with makeup and dirty ass clothes on." 

She rolled over, glaring at him. "I hate you. Why can't you let me sleep?"

Steve grabbed her arms, pulling her off his comforter. "You will sleep, after we get you in clean clothes. Now come on." She pulled her arms out of his grasp, and rolled off the bed. "Where's the makeup remover?"

"Same place it always is."

Edwina squinted her eyes. "I don't remember you having makeup remover before..."

Steve groaned. "Let's go Wilkins. I'll take your makeup off for you."

She trudged into the bathroom, hopping up on the counter. Steve got the cotton swabs out, spraying some of the remover on it, before gently rubbing off her mascara and blush. Edwina hissed, and Steve pulled back. 

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, no. It's just the millions of cuts on my face from the Demogorgon."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Love Story: Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now