The Mansion-Chapter 3

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(Y/N pov)

We arrived at the mansion and oh my gosh it was massive and beautiful. I was looking out the window surprised at how big it was. Huey was parking the car. And we headed out. The bodyguards opened up the gates Man this man has money. And I mean a bank not stacks. There's a lot of Hitman's and bodyguards out here. Jeez. We headed inside and oh my God it was gorgeous.)

Y/N: It's so beautiful in here

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Y/N: It's so beautiful in here.

Huey: Mhm. You can use one of the guest rooms *clapping twice*

Y/N: hm?

(A maid came out and introduced herself)

Celina: Hi I am Celina at your service

Huey: She will be your maid here and there. If you need anything just let her know

Y/N: But I don't need a maid I can take care of my-

Huey: I didn't ask if you needed one. They just comes as service regardless. Plus I pay them so use them.

Y/N: Yes Sir..

Huey: Good I will be in my office if you need me just come by

Y/N: But I don't know where you'll be located at so how I'm gonna find you

Huey: Is that why there's a maid

Y/N: But they clean and stuff

Huey: exactly but they been here for decades they obviously know more than cleaning. Celina take her to her room please.

Celina: Yes Mr. Freeman. This way please

(Celina took me to my room and it was gorgeous. I just don't understand all this. I mean but it's a blessing. But these people are rude and dangerous. Definitely don't want to disrespect them or hit a nerve.)

Celina: Here you are Ms Y/N

Y/N: Oh you know my name?

Celina: Yes Ma'am Mr Freeman said that you would of been arriving today.

Y/N: Oh. He's scary

Celina: Yes at times but he has a kind heart

Y/N: How much you get paid?

Celina: $500 every 2 hours

Y/N: Oh wow! That's a lot of money

Celina: Yes yes see, he higher my promotion since I been here longer than the other maids and I been doing well with my job.

Y/N: That makes sense

(Huey pov)

(I was playing with my stress ball. It helps keep me calm when I'm triggered since I have angry issues. There's something about Y/N tho. She is beautiful though and very genuine than some of these females. Soon one of my Bodyguard knocked on the door and came in.)

Bodyguard: Mr Freeman Mr. W is here to speak to you.

Huey: Bring him in

(Mr W walked in with a bag in his hand. He put the bag on the table and sat down in one of my chairs.)

Mr.W: Ahhh, Huey! Nice to see you again. These chairs are madly comfortable

(I didn't say anything just scowled deeply at him while squeezing my stress ball. This man be pissing me off so bad but I ain't gonna hurt him if he has my money)

Mr.W: Okay okay okay, I have your money right here.

Huey: You lucky you only had 3 hours left. Open it up

(Mr.W opened up the bag and took a stack out.)

Huey: How much is in there?

Mr.W: In this bag is another 500K. You only needed a million back right.

Huey: Yeah. Put it back in the bag. And get out of here

Mr.W: Not even a Thank you?

Huey: Yeah I can give you one with my fist

Mr.W: Alright Alright you win. Great doing business with you.

(He gotten up and left. I decided to go check on Y/N because I was having a party tonight but she didn't know shit about it. I opened the door and saw her naked. She got scared and put a towel on quickly. She has a nice body figure tho I just smirked to myself)

Huey: What was you doing

Y/N: I just got out the shower and was finally gonna put some clothes on. But you just busted through the door, no knock or nothing.

Huey: I don't need to baby girl this my house

Y/N: I guess that counts...

Huey: Put a dress on. Look decent there's gonna be a party tonight here.

Y/N: Okay but I don't have a dress right now.

Huey: Exactly. There's some clothes in the dresser if you'll look

Y/N: Couldn't if you wouldn't let me get dress

(Oh so she has attitude. I like that but still don't tolerate that disrespect)

Huey: Be ready in 5

Y/N: I only have five minutes!? But what about my hair and-

Huey: The maids will help you with that. Now get dress or I'll have to dress you myself.

Y/N: *blushing* nope nope nope, you right. I got it.

Huey: Good.

(I shut the door and walked away. I meet the boys in the living room. I sat down on my couch.)

Ceaser: So Boss who's are next target?

Huey: *smirking* We don't have a target yet. It could turn into that if everything doesn't go right.

(They was smirking and chuckling. They like murdering people that tests me. It makes me feel respected that way.)

Huey: I made a deal with him, all he wants is his money.

Riley: You mean the Million dollars? That was given from Mr.W

Huey: Yeah. He can have it I didn't want his shitty ass bucks anyways. (I say as I smoke my marijuana.)

Huey: Keep an eye out for him. When you find him bring him to the back.

Hiro: Yes Sir

Huey: After the deal done. I'll give y'all y'all's money.

Riley: Yes sirrrrr

Huey: Questions, statements, etc?

Ceaser: What about Y/N

Huey: *exhaling the smoke* She'll be fine. I'll have one of hitman to keep an eye on her. Never know who's targeting her

Ceaser: Yes, Boss

Riley: When's the party?

Huey: Tonight at 8

Ceaser: It's gonna be a lot of folks

Huey: Yeah, I want y'all to still have fun. Make sure to lock my bedroom door

Hiro: Yes Sir I gotcha

Huey: Okay go get anything set up

All 3 of them: Yes sir

(They gotten up from their spots and went to go get anything ready. I just sat here thinking about Y/N. I need to keep her protected. Who knows who could be targeting her.)

Chapter Completed, I think this sorry will be juicy. Tonight there's a party and Huey's has some things to do with a business man. 😱 How it will turn out.

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