The Meeting-Chapter 6

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(Y/N pov)

(I went downstairs like Huey told me to so that he can get dress and then we can go and start doing the things we had to do today. I went in the living room seeing the boys drinking beer and having random conversations.)

Y/N: Morning

Riley: Damnnnn ma you looking like a snack

Y/N: Oh thank you

Hiro: Do you want any to eat or drink?

Y/N: No thank you

(I sat on the couch. I didn't know I would look this good. I look fast as hell but I mean it just for the day until Huey finish his "meeting")

Ceaser: So what was y'all argument about? *Smirking*

Y/N: Just bullshit and unfairness

Hiro: Ceaser

Ceaser: What is sounds interesting as fuck. Wanna talk about it?

Y/N: Hell no, not at all.

Riley: You can tell us a little bit

Y/N: I lost my virginity yesterday

(The three looked at me like I was crazy. That just made me feel anxious what is wrong with this people. Yes I'm 29 and yes I was still a virgin god damn.)

Hiro: Uhm

Ceaser: No comment

Riley: You lost what now?

Y/N: My virginity

Riley: Chileeee

Hiro: I mean that's good. But to Huey? I mean he don't lie but he is good at keeping secrets

Ceaser: True

Y/N: Oh no, we didn't have sex, he's not the one I had sex with.

Riley: HUH!? Was it one of us? Shiddd I probably was drunk too.

Y/N: No, I gave my virginity to this one guy name Tommy. Uhm-

Ceaser: Did you even know him?

Y/N: No

3 of them: Damn

Y/N: I didn't know what I was doing I was drunk and-

Hiro: What did you drink and how many shots

Y/N: I had 9 shots of vodka

Riley: Damnnnn ma

Y/N: Yeah..

Hiro: You know you can't get that shit back right?

Y/N: I know. I fucked up pretty badly and it's all my fault.

Hiro: I was wondering why I heard you moaning but I thought it was you and Huey

Riley and Ceaser: Yeah same

Riley; But if you think about. She would've sounded louder than she did last night

Ceaser: Ahhh, yeah that's true

Y/N: Wait, y'all heard me!?!?

(I could've sworn I felt my face heating up. I'm black but not to black to see red cheeks.)

Riley: Yeah, we heard you. Is that bad?

Y/N: N-No! But that's just embarrassing to me.

Riley: Oh, it's okay

Y/N: Well did Huey heard?

Riley: No he was downstairs the whole time in his office.

Y/N: Oh. Well we was arguing about that and about who be sleeping with more and shit. He called me a thirsty whore! When he probably has slept with multiple women!

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