The Plan Part 3 -Chapter 9

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(Riley's pov)

(Damn, now it was my turn. Apparently I had to grab things with gloves on that is dangerous or evidence to prove that she is not a victim. Dominique went to a party so I thought now was the right time to search through her things now. I put some gloves on and started looking through her room.)

(It was nighttime so of course it's gonna be dark. I didn't know where the switch was at so I used a flashlight. I look around and saw the poison she used early that Hiro told me about. I grab it and put it inside the bag. I look in her bag and there was knives and blades. I put them in the bag also, then I kept looking around.)

(Y/N pov)

(Me and Huey is just laying in my bed right now, after the fun we just had. We looked at each other and just staring into each other eyes.)

Huey: I wasn't expecting that

Y/N: Me neither

Huey: It's getting late, I should go back to my room now

Y/N: Aw.. you don't want to stay the night?

(He was getting up and putting his clothes back on.)

Huey: As much as I want to, I can't because I don't want Dominique to come in here and find out and then she's gonna go crazy.

Y/N: Well...I guess you have a point. Okay good night

(He gotten close to me face again and kissed me goodnight.)

Huey: Night

(And then he left. I laid back on my bed. I was not expecting this at all. The sex was good but I didn't know all this would've happen.)

(Riley pov)

(I gotten all that I needed and cleaned up everything and fix everything the way it was before. I grabbed the bags that had stuff in it and surprisedly found Huey in the hallway.)

Riley: Hey, can I speak to you

Huey: Yeah

(Me and Huey went into his room and he turned on the light. I placed the bags on his bed.)

Riley: So this is what I founded

(He looked at the bags that had the items in it.)

Huey: Damn

Riley: Yeah..she had blades and a knife. I have no idea what she was gonna use them for. But this is the poison she used to poison Y/N's cupcake.

Huey: Okay. Great job I'll take these. And you can go do whatever you was about to do.

Riley: Aight

(Huey pov)

(Riley left my room and closed the door behind him. I can't believe she had all this shit for one person. I put them under my bed so I'll turn it all into the police tomorrow. I then laid down in my bed and fell asleep.)

(Y/N pov)

(The next morning. I woke up and smelled some breakfast. I gotten out of my bed and went downstairs.)

Y/N: Morning

Hiro: Morning Sunshine, you hungry

Y/N: Yeah

(I washed my hands and sat at the breakfast table. Hiro gave me my plate with some apple juice and sat on the other side of the table. All he has is coffee.)

Y/N: You're not hungry?

Hiro: Nope. But how you been feeling lately?

Y/N: Exhausted *giggling* but not bad

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