I Love You-Chapter 20

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(Y/N pov)

(The next day. I woke up with Huey next to me. He was still sleeping, I realized I had no clothes on from yesterday. I put on one of his shirts. It looked like a dress because he's a bigger size than me. I walked out the room and went downstairs.)

Jessica: Morninggg!

Y/N: Oh! Hey

Hiro: Y'all had sex?

Y/N: No

Erica: What's up with you wearing his shirt then?

Y/N: Oh I uhm it was too cold for what I had on so I used his shirt and now I'm warm.

Erica: Mhmmmm you hungry?

Y/N: No imma skip Breakfast for right now

Riley: Where Huey at?

Y/N: He's sleeping.

Ceaser: So you slept with him?

Y/N: Yeahh, I had nightmares-

Faith: You a lie

Y/N: No, anyways I'm bored.

Jessica: You always bored

(Huey then came in the room, yawning. He looked at me and then looked me up and down with curiosity. I'm guessing he asking why I'm wearing his shirt. Then he smirked to himself and sat on the couch.)

Huey: Morning y'all.

Hiro: Morning

Riley: Question

Huey: ?

Riley: Why Y/N wearing your shirt

Huey: She was naked

(The guys then looked at me and started chuckling. Making fun of me because of Huey. I flicked him off.)

Faith: I thought you said you didn't have sex with him?

Y/N: I didn't bitch, I followed him around the house naked

Erica: Damn bitch. I would've been embarrassed

Y/N: Well that's y'all

Jessica: Well what happened yesterday

Y/N: No comment. Imma go shower

Huey: You want me to tell them? *Smirking*

Y/N: If you say anything I'mma strangle you.

Huey: Okay, so what happened yesterday was-

Y/N: Oh my god! I'll tell y'all

Jessica: Oh I'm interested

Y/N: Huey raped me

Huey: Excuse me-

Erica: Oh my god! That's bad!

Huey: I didn't do anything like that

Y/N: Okay that was a lie. He teased me and left me there turned on

Faith: You can't do that to a woman!

Y/N: See! Told ya

Huey: Who said? And plus if you do it to a guy first they obviously gonna get revenge

Riley: Fax.

Erica: Okay but Men and Women has different organisms. Y'all can handle it. Women can't

Ceaser: Welp. You better learn. Or just don't tease us like that

Hiro: I agree

Faith: Really Hiro!?

Hiro: I mean it make sense. She left him there so why shouldn't he do it back.

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