The Date Of Torture-Chapter 15

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(Y/N pov)

(The next morning I woke up and showered. When I finished I got dress. I put something on, something simple. There was a knock at the door. Felt like I knew who it was but wasn't expecting.)

Y/N: Come in.

Hiro: Hey N/N

Y/N: Oh! Hey Cease thought you were-

Hiro: Huey? Nope *chuckling* he's actually out right now.

Y/N: Where to?

Hiro: To take care of some business. But he'll be back before you know it. So what you getting dress up for?

Y/N: Well. Huey is gonna surprise me I think but just getting dress for the day nothing special.

(I looked in the mirror and his tie caught my eye. It looked like it needed fix so I walked around to him fixing his tie.)

Hiro: Oh you didn't have to.

Y/N: I know but it was bothering me. What's the suit for?

Hiro: I am taking Faith on a date.

Y/N: Oo that sounds nice *still fixing tie*

Hiro: Yeah.

Y/N: Where you taking her?

Hiro: Wherever she wants but I think I'm taking her to an Japanese restaurant. I mean she loves noodles *chuckling* and I know she likes hotpots

Y/N: That is true *giggling*

(Soon Huey walked in the room looking at us and then scowled.)

Huey: Am I interrupting something?

Hiro: No

Y/N: Done *smiling* and No I was just fixing his tie.

Huey: So, let his girlfriend do it

Y/N: I did do it

Huey: Ahaa, stop playing with me. Anyways Hiro I heard you taking the lady out have fun. Do you need anything?

Hiro: No I just gonna get some gas-

Huey: Your tank is already filled up, one of the hitman did it.

Hiro: Oh okay. Thank you Boss.

(Hiro walked out the room and Huey stared at me as he sat on my bed. We made eye contact waiting for one of us to speak.)

Y/N: Good morning

Huey: Morning

Y/N: Where were you?

Huey: Taking care of some business

Y/N: What kind of business

Huey: Don't worry about it

Y/N: Oh so you keeping secrets now

Huey: I'm not keeping anything. It just doesn't concern you

Y/N: Well I'm interested in knowing

Huey: And I'm interested in not saying what I was doing because it's unnecessary.

Y/N: Well it's unnecessary to keep it from me and it is necessary if I start overthinking

Huey: Then overthink but it's not what you expecting

Y/N: Yeah okay Picker

Huey: Excuse me?

Y/N: Picker. Picker is your new name ain't it cute?

Huey: No, not at all why the fuck is you even calling me that.

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