An Mistake-Chapter 5

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(By the way in this image, this is not them as characters but this is a clue on what they is doing 😭✌🏾enjoy)

(Y/N pov)

(I woke up the next morning and looked to my right and saw Tommy next to me. I then realized that I was naked.)

Y/N: Oh shit- shit shit shit! Tommy wake up!

Tommy: Hm!? Oh God. I'm so sorry but I need to get out it of here

(Tommy gotten up for my bed and started to put his clothes on. I wrapped myself in my sheets and I tried to calm him down.)

Y/N: Tommy calm the fuck down please

Tommy: I'm sorry all this happened I was drunk and-

Y/N: Tommy I know please calm down and let's talk this out. Huey can't know that you're here. I mean he doesn't know you. But I don't know how he will react.

Tommy: Okay I'm calmed, but how I'm gonna get out of here.

Y/N: I don't know he has a lot of securities and-

(Soon there was a knock at my door.)

Huey: Y/N you woked.

Y/N: Yes, Yes coming!

(I whispered to Tommy and told him to go hide in the bathroom. He did what he was told and went to go hide in the bathroom. Then I opened up the door. And Huey was staring at me, raising his eyebrow.)

Y/N: Hey *holding onto sheets tightly*

Huey: Why are you naked? In the sheets? My sheets to be exact

Y/N: I was- ok so I was drunk yesterday and decided to go to bed and-

Huey: Passed out?

Y/N: Yeahhhh look at you being smart.

Huey: Then?

Y/N: You know how it be so hot, just gotta take your clothes off and feel the breeze~

Huey: Ohh really? The breeze?

Y/N: Yeahhhh *smiling* the cool air

Huey: Ohhh.. really? That really is something huh?

Y/N: Yeah...

Huey: So tell me, who big ass timberlands is those?

(I turned around looking at the shoes. Oh shit. I kicked them under the bed and looked at him.)

Y/N: Those are mines silly *hitting his shoulder playfully*

Huey: Oh really so you a size 12 in men. Damn those some big ass feet but you look like a size 3 in men.

Y/N: ... I like oversized shoes.

Huey: Ha you funny *Scowling* cut the shit. Who's in here?

Y/N: Nobody Huey stop *trying to stop him from going to the bathroom*

Huey: Yeah no *throwing her on the bed*


(Huey opened the door and saw Tommy.)

Huey: Who the hell is you?

Tommy: Tommy sir-

Huey: As in Tommy walker?

Tommy: No, No sir-

Huey: Get the fuck out my house

Tommy: Yes Yes sir-

(Tommy grabbed the rest of his things and his boots and left quicker than he probably ever had. I just knew he was scared.)

Huey: You better have a fucking explanation

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