The Meeting

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Christian Grey
I am sitting waiting on professor Steele, when the door springs open and a tiny elfin like person heads to the desk in front me. I don't think she realizes I am sitting here at all. If she can actually see through the hair falling in her face and those bottle cap lenses. This is supposed to be a genius in the computer sciences field. I would hope she would be more organized than this.
I can't fathom why Cindy chose today of all days to quit. I had to find someone to watch Wesley at the last minute. I rushed into my office and start moving things around trying to keep my hair out of my eyes and my glasses off the end of my nose as I try to set up for my next glass. I hear a cough and look up at the man sitting there watching me like he was waiting to chat with me. I ask if I can help him with anything?
We had an appointment Miss Steele isn't it?
Yes it is, but I don't take appointments at all. So if you can excuse me I need to set up for my class please. I continue working hoping he will leave, but he stays put and he finally talks again.
Miss Steele can you spare five minutes to discuss a few things with me?
I already heard that you are looking for someone who has my expertise in computers, I told your HR I wasn't interested. The class will be here soon so can you leave please? Several students come in and a few spot mr Grey and a few are drooling over him. He is way too good looking to trust if you ask me. Like my dead husband was. I finally get everything set up and start the class, I can't get him to leave and I don't dare call security on him because he gives grants and donate computers to our department. So he sits there watching the activity in the classroom. Finally the class is over and I have an appointment with the dean and I pack up and start to leave and mr Grey gets up and starts asking me to come work for him yet again.
We can pay you so much better than what you are earning here and you will get a lot better equipment and plenty of perks including a car. I follow her to where she is headed Jason is behind us along with Sawyer.
Why are you still following me mr Grey? I have an appointment that I need to get to.
With the dean of sciences, I am going there as well. I watch as she squints at me.
What have you done mr Grey?
I might have bribed your bosses to convince you to reconsider my job offer so they can get better equipment is all.
And if I say no yet again?
You won't say no, because the deal is too good to say no to. I know she has a son and lost her family to a car bomb and her husband killed her family. She changed her last name and her sons last name to her maiden name after the news hit the front pages. I know he is a year old and she has trouble keeping a sitter for her son.
Dean Brown
I welcome Miss Steele and mr Grey. I am going to have an uphill battle here with both of him. Come in and have a seat. I begin with Miss Steele and remind her she hasn't reached tenure and I could easily let her go at will. She stands up hands me her badge and goes to HR leaving me and Mr Grey in the room shocked that the meeting went. We try to go after her but she is too fast for us. She gets to her VW bug and hands me her parking permit and has already sent a notice to HR about quitting immediately due to harassment by Dean Brown. My phone rings immediately and HR wants a word with me.
I get into my car and go pick up my son from the baby sitter and head home after losing everyone in traffic. I make to the baby sitter and then put Westley in his car seat and drive to my parents estate and cook supper for us and play with Wesley until he needs to brush his teeth and bathe. I read him one of the stories I wrote and put him to bed. My phone rings and it is an unknown number. I end it and turn my phone off and go to shower. I get out of the shower and fall asleep from all the stress I felt today. Dean brown threatened my job to me he fired me from working at the college. Well too bad you lost one of your main attractions to the college students looking for the kind of computer skills that I have developed.
Dean Brown pretty much told her she had no choice but to join my staff and told her that she didn't have tenure. I wasn't happy at all, him firing her was not part of our deal. She did exactly what I would given the situation. The dean said he would correct the situation himself. I gave him three days to correct the situation or I will handle it myself.
Hone sir?
Yes I think it is for the best for now. I close my eyes and fall asleep and think of her running around her office and I watched her every move. She looks clumsy,  it she is elegant in her movements. I try to recall what she looks and I laugh as she looks the typical nerd. But when I recall her background check I think this is a costume to hide her beauty.

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