The Lincoln's

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I finally found out who the women were. Elena Lincoln and her daughter Ellen Lincoln. They were trying to get Christian Grey to marry Ellen. I am not sure who is crazier the Williams or the Lincoln's. Both chasing after the good looking bachelor billionaire of Seattle. The story that was being told was that Richard Lincoln was killed in a car accident, but it turns out someone had cut brake lines. If it was Elena and Ellen they did inherit a penny. A dollar each is all they were given in the will. They had contested the will, but what they didn't know was that Richard Lincoln left everything else to Oscar Bailey. I still haven't seen this man, I have never seen him. He has a lot of money and properties and now has more. I think they are black widows looking to get their hooks int a billionaire and inherit their estates because this isn't the first man who has their fate by marrying them. Each has a couple of dead husbands under their belts.
Elena Lincoln
I have been given a report on the DNA samples and Christian is indeed my nephew. I doubt he knows he has relatives left in the world. Ella was Richard's sister and I made sure Richard didn't know about her death or leaving a boy an orphan. I had Ellen because my birth control failed and I got fixed while Richard was out of the country. Richards will left Ella money and they found out about her death and Christian Grey being her son. Surely Christian will assure his family lives a life of luxury as he does. I doubt he has ever looked into his blood relatives at all. I start noticing a blonde following us or so it seems like she is. I ask Ellen and she tells me that is someone who is trying to get an interview with Christian and she has been trying to catch him and we are just most likely seeing her because we too are trying to get him alone as well. Ellen noticed me watching the blonde and she says she seems to be trying to get an interview but going about it in the wrong way. I call a friend of mine, because I don't like that she seems to be a lot of the places we are.  Artemis Rogers answers his phone on the first ring and I tell him what I need done.
Artemis Rogers
I head to the place Elena is and she sends me a photo of the person I have to start following and scare her off. Elena doesn't mind how I scare her off at all. So I wait and watch and I know exactly what I plan on doing to her.
I go and get to my car and just as I am about to get in my car I feel something behind me and it is a gun in my back. I am told not to turn around and whoever it is riders me to get into the van at the back of the lot. I have to do as told.
I watch as something catches the corner of my eye. I point it out to Sawyer and he demands I get in my car and call 911. The look on the blondes face says it all and then I recognize her. I also notice Elliott Grey approaching from another direction with two men along with him. Suddenly all hell breaks loose. I see the blonde try to run but is shot right before the three men attack the guy with the gun and the cops arrive. I stay just where I am until they get the guy with the gun taken away.
I take the chance to get away when I saw Elliott Grey and two men head our way and there is another guy headed towards us as well. So I break loose from the guy with the gun as the men yell for him to stop. I get away but not until I feel the hot metal piece my skin. I go down like a dead weight. I see faces looking at me and hear the sirens and someone saying she has been shot and it's bad. I feel someone lift my top and then the pressure and I black out.
I and three other guys get the guys gun from him. After we tackle him to the ground. But he has shot the young woman and it is bad. I know a few things thanks to mom and the fact that my men have had accidents and even a gun shit or two in performance of their jobs. Sadly. So I go check out the wound and Lift her blouse and I take her scarf and apply pressure to her wound until the EMT's finally arrive and take over. She blacked out right after I applied the pressure to stop the blood. I see the other guy and my two employees. I instruct my men to stick around to give a statement to the police. Then I see Christian's favorite obsession Miss Steele talking to the other guy who helped disarm the kidnapper.
I can't believe I got caught. I seem to have bad luck whenever Elena is involved with any job I am asked to do. They have it all on cctv footage too. It will be a slam dunk unless I can come up with a plan. I think I will have Elena say she hired me to protect her and the young woman turned out to be following her and I just wanted to have a chat with her and I thought her running away from me that she was going t hurt my charge. So I shot at her not meaning to hurt her, but to get her to stop when four men jumped me and caused the gun to shift and the bullet hit the young woman. I think that s hound work since I have worked private security and a bodyguards as well.
I agreed to say that Artemis was hired because we thought this young woman was a threat to our lives.

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