A Hole In One

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I walk carefully onto the Steele property and Taylor tells me to watch for any odd shapes on the ground, just as he says this I fall into a seven foot hole that I can't climb out of it has me caged inside and try as he can he can't get me free from this hole.
I tried to warn the boss that the Steele estate was well protected and warned him about looking for odd things on the grounds and he fell into the trap as soon as I told him that. For right now he is safe just stunned. It was just meant to catch him and cage him. Someone can easily find him an orange flag came up as the cage covered the hole it has a light and nice air hole and you can see him clearly. I try calling Miss Steele and get no answer finally security has arrived and unlocks the cage and we bring mr Grey up from the trap. Luckily he wasn't hurt and they bring us into the house and lead us through the safety zones.
Thomas Sawyer Head of Steele security
I am holding in my laughter and these numb nuts who actually came into the estate without permission and a security escort from the Steele company. I finally introduce myself and offer mr Grey a change of attire. I check his height and weight and shoe size and pull out something along with showering essentials and point him in the right direction. I tell Roger to keep Lisa away from mr Grey, we don't want her jumping his bones lol. Girl is a nymphomaniac and she has the hots for one hot looking billionaire playboy. 
I pass an expensive car sitting in the edge of my property and Wesley gets excited at the shiny new car. Then I see Grey 1 on the plate. I want to turn around but the groceries need put away and Wesley needs fed and put to bed. I drive into the garage and ask the staff to come get things from the van. Elsa Winters gets Wesley out and goes inside as I grab all the documents and pay vouchers for my employees. I hear the phone ring and again an unknown number.
I try Miss Steele again and hear a ring tone close by. Then I see her carrying a bunch of things and headed to another room and somehow she disappears and comes back with envelopes to pass out to her staff. She has still not seen me and her staff are happily taking their pay apparently and they go and start carrying things in from what looks like a garage. Funny I didn't notice a garage anywhere around the house. Welch said to never expect anything normal when it comes to the Steele property's or the Steele family.
Jocelyn Adams Steele
I watch as Anastasia left the house today and drove various boring places, I know better than to approach her for any reason. She is deadly alone, but that nanny can kill with her thumb. She might look like a simple girl nest door type, she is a trained assassin. I sent guys out to kidnap Wesley after he was born, two guys died from injuries she gave them. It was called self defense and she was protecting her charge from being kidnapped. It was obvious they were there to kidnap the heir to two estates and her son. Anastasia shot. And killed the two who came after her, they cut the nurse and orderlies up pretty badly and she shut them before they finished the job and dragged her weak body out. She hired people after her husband died while killing her family. Thomas Sawyer came into play after her father contacted him for the last time. He has been in charge of her security ever since. I still can't figure out where the money is and can't get to her either. I look closer at the brand new car and think Grey 1 who might that belong to? I know it isn't Anastasia's car. She doesn't have a car in her name. We can't claim any of the inheritance since we can't find any of it. Even this isn't in her name. I tried to get into the house and found myself in a trap and was arrested for trespassing on private property. That was how I found out the house wasn't in the Steele name. I couldn't sue Anastasia because she isn't the listed owner and she said she is only living there until they find him. So I ruined a ten thousand dollar suit and a hundred thousand dollar necklace, bracelet and earring set. I have a restraining order against me and can't get anywhere near Anastasia, Wesley or any of the staff here. I take a photo of the car, then I hear a knock on my car window.
Policeman Howard Simms
Excuse me show me your license and registration please. Why are you parked here and why are you taking photos of that car?
I hand him my registration and my license and he runs my plates and my ID. Suddenly I am surround by cops and a security team.
Miss Steele Jocelyn is back and stalking you yet again. You need to have her arrested this time we have her dead to rights. Too bad we couldn't prove she was behind the everything the day Wesley was born.
Have her arrested call the attorney on the case and have him see what we can do about her serving time this time. I hand him his paychecks. Why is mr Taylor here for?
They came by to see you and mr Grey stepped into a trap and he is showering and changing into clean clothing now.
Okay, but where is Lisa now? Is he safe from her?
Yes he is very safe, I sent her home for the day. I need to go handle Jocelyn and shall be back soon.
Okay I head to my office and turn on the exterior cctv cameras  and watch as the cops arrest the bitch on the spot. I still think her and my husband were both in on my family's deaths. I can't think about that right now, I click on the new programming I created and contact a new friend of mine on line. Barney Miller is a geek like me, but we have differing ideas. I hear a knock on my door as Thomas brings my tea and mr Grey and his security inside to meet with me. I see you have been trespassing on the Steele property mr Grey and mr Taylor? Is there a reason for your visit other than bugging me about working for you yet again?
Mr Grey
I just wanted to give it another shot at hiring you. I understand you are suing the dean and the college?
I know I have a good chance of winning the suit. I hear you ended up in a trap today and got dirty. Don't trespass again, next time you will be arrested are we very clear on this matter? For future reference I don't want a job with anyone ever again. I am starting my own business involving my computer skills. So if you excuse me I need to work. If you have any medical bills or damaged clothing let Thomas know and we will assure everything is covered by us.
Mr Grey
Can I contact you some other time to see if you have changed your mind?
I won't and won't change my mind. By mr Grey and Mr Taylor. I get up and have them escorted out and head to the kitchen for lunch and Wesley. Wesley sees the men and runs over to them and wants them for lunch. Oh crap.

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