Kate Served

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I was sitting in the coffee shop across from the GEH building when I was approached by what looked like a GQ model smiling at me. He walked up to me and introduced himself as Alexander Hamilton. I tell him who I not realizing he had one hand in mine and the other one behind his back. As I told him my name he pulled a document from behind his back and told me I was just served with a restraining order to stay a2ay from the Grey family and any friends or employees of theirs from that moment on. He had it in my hands before I could realize what he was doing. He walked quickly away from me and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I guess when you have billions you can get things done very quickly. I get up and try to leave but I am stopped by a young woman and she threatened me. I look at her closely and she looks sad. I try to get her to talk. It she says there's no reason to talk to you because you can't help me.
Unknown woman
I have been watching Christian and so have a few people. I have photos of these people. An older man, a younger man and three other women of various ages. They aren't always following him. But this blonde has been truly obsessed with Christian and I can't allow that. I am adamant that she stop and she finally speaks and says she has to after being served a restraining order and she heads to the door and leaves. So that was what the guy gave her. I walk out and get into the limo and sit by mom and tell her miss Kavanagh has been served with a restraining order.
Mom of unknown woman
So how is looking so far?
Unknown woman
He seems to have become obsessed about getting Miss Steele to work for him. I think he is lonely but wants only one person by his side.
Mom of UW
That we can't do much about, I definitely am happy someone filed a restraining order getting miss Kavanagh out of the picture. Keep eyes on him at all times.
I watch as the young woman climbs into a limo and it drives away. I video it and save to files. The young woman didn't appear to be wearing clothing that she might be from a wealthy family, but who knows these days. The girl didn't seem crazy or anything. She did seem to be very protective of Christian Grey. I start digging as soon as I can find a place to get the identification of the owner of the limo. Unfortunately it is a rental and they won't give me the name of the people who rented it. I have decided to change my strategy up thanks to the young woman and the limo. I decide to look into a few things, namely if I can figure out how to get the names of the young woman and whoever rented the limo. So I head to the rental company and ask questions. I call dad and tell him that I need someone to gain access to information for me and he got me someone. A story is in the making regarding Christian Grey. I am unsure if he even know someone is following to this extent. Granted they are using a limo to get around in, I don't think they are the ones actually doing the following. Unless they are and using a limo to do it in is not obvious. I think the young woman has been following him in one way or another for a while so she knows ways to assure not being found out. If she hadn't confronted me I would not have known about her. I have to say he is rather attractive and women definitely are chasing him. He seems to be chasing Miss Steele and I think it is about more than wanting to employ her. I mean I am sure there are a lot of computer geniuses why a beautiful petite nerd. I am sure he has seen through those goofy glasses she wears, they might look like she needs them but they are just glass with no prescription lenses. She wears her hair in a way 5hat looks messy,  it a very observant person would see that it is well maintained but she deliberately make people think she is a scattered brained nutty professor type. She is far from that, I think it is to keep the predators away from her. Her dead husband was a good example of the predator she is trying to keep at a distance. Christian might be a predator of a different kind. Neither he or his brother are not the marrying kind. They are the life long bachelor type. I know the type of the love them and leave them type. I heard of Elliott's exploits, but rarely hear of Christian and his dates or girlfriends. There were names linked to his, but they didn't stay long after that.
Cassandra Wright
I watch Kate Kavanagh and think about why she is trying to know Christian Grey. She pumped Mia for information. Mia was not happy about being interrogated by miss Kavanagh and made it clear  that she didn't talk about her brothers, her parents or her parents to anyone. Especially people who are strangers. Melissa bumps me and says you know she has her eyes on Christian as more than a story, but a husband.
Melissa Rogers
Mia gave Kate a real good reaming out regarding her interrogation. I guess if she doesn't talk to her friends about her brothers then she definitely wouldn't discuss them with someone she just met. I have gone out with both brothers but they made it clear that they weren't looking for any more than sex. I doubt either knew I had sex with the other one. I know Mia was never aware of it. After a few times they both ended it and I was hoping they might come back to me. It wasn't to be. I hang out with Mia because she is a good friend, I made sure our friendship is intact. SonI just act like nothing happened between her brothers and I. I know they pretend it hasn't happened either. Now Ibam dating a guy from the Grey law firm. Daniel Lawson we met at a charity event in which he bought my first dance for the night for ten thousand dollars.

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