A Surprise For Elena

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Carlton Smythe
I wake from my usual nightmare of Elena trying like hell to beat me to death. Had it not been for a kind man finding me near death close to a place an explosion had went off twice I would be dead. I have been in and out of hospitals for plastic surgery from all the damage she has done to me. That man got me to the hospital and then got me the best plastic surgeons in the world, at seventeen Elena had made sure my looks were destroyed before she had me taken and thrown at the scene of a soon to be exploded vehicle. She was hoping the debris would cover up her other crime against me since I was twelve. I was held hostage by her for five years. She found a new victim. The guy paid for all my treatment. He just called me and told me he found Elena and her daughter in Seattle. It is time to nail her to that cross she nailed me to.
I had a friend of mine pick Carlton up and put him up in a nice hotel, his face is back to normal and the scars are less noticeable since his last surgery. He has four more to go and they will be a memory a horrifying one though. He has went through so much in the last ten plus years. His family were thrilled to finally see him again in person. He had been taken at his twelfth birthday party and no one saw a thing. The videos showed that Elena was the last person to see him. Ellen backed her up about him leaving the party upset. Ellen is the same age as Carlton. The party was held at a park and security was not as good as it is now. The people videotaping said Carlton had went into the restroom so they gave him privacy. There were entrances on both sides of the restrooms for each sex. The security didn't check this fact out. No ransom was made, but we now know why. Things are going to heat up quickly for Elena and we need to get the complete story out to those it concerns. If Christian had been twelve he would have suffered the same fate as Carlton or worse dead. Had I not found him we would not know about the bodies she left across the US. I don't know if Ellen knows about any of this or not. She seems to be keeping close tabs on Christian Grey for her and not much else. Anastasia has did as I asked and has her guns and vest on and even has one on Wesley. She special ordered an expandable one. Plus a lot of security. I found out that Elena tried to weasel her way into the teen training force and then Ellen. I sat Anastasia down and told her just why she did the right thing regarding the teens when it came to her teens. She called for extra security around the building and made sure cameras and security made sure to check IDs before allowing anyone to pick the kids up. I had already set things up, but it is good she wanted to as well. I have people on both the Lincoln's. I call Carrick and he said he is ready along with Welch and Taylor. He has Barney checking any activity on line as well.
I can't believe I fell prey to that guy, because I was trained on how to defend myself but he got the drop on me in more than one way. Mom comes and asks me how I fell, what a stupid question. I am in the hospital and in pain after seeing my dead grandparents several times. Dad comes over and says the cops need a word with me. He wants to record everything so we can get a clue on why and what was going on and who ordered my kidnapping and murder.
The guy was going to murder you. I think we know who ordered it, but we need to be sure of everything first. The doctor enters the room after talking to the cops and the bodyguards. Mr Elliott Grey has made sure no one had gotten past staff and to Kate. I am not even sure if they have ever met each other. I do know there were five attempts to get to Kate and all five are answering questions. So far they are keeping their moths shut. Her kidnapper and shooter is not able to get bailed out.
Can we discuss how soon she can go home with us?
Dr Phillips
She can't go anywhere until we are sure she can get through the therapy for her lungs. She still needs to be on oxygen until her lungs are healed. So she won't be going anywhere. Plus I do believe the cops are wanting to talk to her about a great deal of things. Including stalking charges against her made by the Lincoln's.
I call an attorney I hired just for this reason and he gives me Carrick Grey's number. I dial him and he says to set up an appointment with him to talk in private in Kate's hospital room or better yet his wife's office at the hospital. He will set that up and then we can chat with the cops after he looks at what they have regarding the stalking and what real proof do they have that she was stalking.
I have them sign a document stating I am attorney of record for Kate Kavanagh. I then call about the cases the one against her and the one against her assailant. We know the assailant was hired by Elena Lincoln. Not sure if Ellen Lincoln was in on it though. Although she said that Kate has been showing up at places they are at. According to the statements.
I head out with Carlton and we are surrounded by bodyguards. His family was insistent on it. I had no idea what we were going to do, but finally we arrive at the Seattle police department and they have Elena in custody and boy is she loud. Ellen is sitting right by her in her own handcuffs. I start recording the scene and laugh as she realizes what is going to happen to her. Since she has been escaping our clutches until now I think she thought we forgot about her. Jack Hyde was one of her crew and Jocelyn was in on the scheme to get my wealth from my family. Anastasia not being there was a stoke of luck. Wesley arriving put a monkey wrench in her plans to get my wealth. She just realized who I am. She knew Carlton the second she saw his face nice the bodyguards allowed her to. Carltons parents arrived and have three attorneys with them. I see Carrick Grey and he looks dismayed about something and he pretty much tells Elena there is no way Christian is related to her in anyway. Apparently she was trying to say he was her son and Ellen's brother. They are requiring a DNA test from all three of them. I Christian yells I am not bailing them out, they are nothing to me. He leans towards both of them and says he knows Richard was his father, but Ellen is not his sister. Apparently Richard failed to tell Elena he had a vasectomy after Ella got pregnant with Christian. So he told them never to bother him or his family ever again. He got a restraining order against them both.
I ask for the folders with the charges against Kate and then the charges against the kidnapper/ murderer. Christian leaves with Taylor and his new guy Reynolds. I go find out the guys name and I realize that the Lincoln's are being charged by Christian and the Smythe family as well. I ask to take a peek at the charges and somehow the folder appears in my hands along with a USB drive. I notice an kindly older man about three inches taller than me giving me folders and telling me that the case goes very deep and over twenty years old and possibly more. I hear someone call him mr Bailey and he heads towards the young man and the family who have ten bodyguards protecting him. I start thinking and then I take everything along with Kate's folders and I am going to have a long night. Christian knowing about Richard shocked me, but seeing Elena Lincoln was a real shock. They have been trying to find her after her husbands demise.

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