Barney An Offer He Can't Refuse

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We finally got half of the genius team and he got everything he wanted and more. Patents he creates off the clock are all his. Anything on the clock at GEH are ours and he gets a ten percent of the profits. Roz is thrilled and we soon find out just what our new employee is capable of. Things start moving quickly changes in our in line security and off site servers and fire proofing all the areas containing our servers along with his own programming language for our new system. All our staff have to be trained and he has brought in a few of his friends to place on staff to train everyone faster along with monitoring any previous glitches in our systems.
Now I know why they were wanting a computer genius there head IT guy is lazy about keeping up in the best programs to use with such a huge company. I was given Carte Blanche to get everything up to date and above the standards. When Carlton Davis found out that I was hired suddenly he got interested in getting all the systems upgraded and updated. I had already ordered the equipment and found the buildings to set up the offsite servers and we worked our butts off and had everything online and staff trained on the new systems when he finally got a clue. He was demoted and not to the IT department. We were bumping heads and he kept trying to change things and finally HR got involved when he tried to fire me. He was told that they were going to transfer him to another department. They definitely wanted the best computer genius and they got the one trained by the best and are a very close to her as a computer genius. Mr Davis was trying to block my every move, but failed at every attempt.
Carlton Davis
Roz Bailey hired this kid to go behind my back and change everything for GEH. Then he started training everyone without my permission. I called HR to have him fired and found out I couldn't fire him because he is not my hire but us Roz's employee in charge of everything concerning computer technologies. So he can fire me. HR told me that mr Miller has recommended that I be transferred out of the department I set up and kept running since GEH started. Barney and Roz came to HR to get this settled. Apparently I had failed to read my emails and I was given an opportunity to talk to them but I failed to and it was noted that I hadn't been reading very many emails or updating anything and that was why they hired someone to come in and create a better computer system and IT department and all kinds of security protocols.
Mr Davis wasn't happy about the transfer to another office. My position was just under Roz and way above mr Davis. I kept the whole comp@Niels computers and servers going and trained everyone in the new systems including the the new clock in systems with their badges and thumb prints. That way no one could swipe someone else's badge for them. Cctv footage caught various things and I suggested we find out if people are having others slide in their badges for them and not coming in to work. We found out by way of the sign on to the servers that they had no been to work that day at all, but their badges were signed into the building and signed out. We started comparing and I set up a program that alerted us to the fact that the employee was in the building but not on line and performing their jobs. Only two instances were fully explained and it was because they had to travel those days. So we worked out a code to input if they had this issue again. They had to go see HR or IT for the code. I decided we needed to set up new systems for this and payroll and HR. There is no telling how much money was paid to employees who weren't even working. Guess who was one of them. Mr Davis wasn't here at all when I was finally able to be in my new office. He had someone slide his badge, but he was not signed into any GEH computer and not in any meetings.
Barney told me that GEH definitely needed a genius computer person and he said that he found a lot of issues and very quickly. He couldn't go into it but he said there was a huge need for his skills. I am still working to find a replacement for Barney. I decide to go looking for a new one and found a teenage girl. We had to negotiate with her parents and we got her for a good deal. She is able to work five days at four hours a day. Bresden Lewis is her name and Darcel and  Gerber Lewis are here parents. All three are nerds and funny. Apparently GEH hired them but didn't hire the daughter. She wanted to work for a smaller firm. One that is more adaptable to her needs. She also has a good friend who has skills we can use so I hired him after a long talk with his case worker and foster parents and had his wages transferred into a trust after the transportation costs. Cole Stewart has been into computer everything since he was three years old. He can't be adopted because his mom and dad won't sign a2ay their rights and he is now fifteen years old and want# to start on trying to get his emancipation as soon as he can. I now have three teenagers working for me Peanuts Baker I still haven't figured out if she is going off the deep end or if she is a genius at everything. She has food allergies and we have to assure she equipped with a supply of epi pens. She runs circles around most tech wizards. All three have been worth every headache they have given me.

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